If the Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage later this month, it could bring God's judgment barreling down on the United States of America.
That's the clear message attorneys are sending to the High Court in a brief the U.S. Justice Foundation and the law firm of William J. Olson. The groups filed the brief on behalf of Joyce Meyer Ministries, the Lincoln Institute, Public Advocate of the U.S., the Abraham Lincoln Foundation, Institute on the Constitution, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund and pastor Chuck Baldwin.
"Should the court require the states and the people to 'ritualize' sodomite behavior by government issuance of a state marriage license, it could bring God'd judgment on the nation," the brief said. "Holy Scripture attests that homosexual behavior and other sexual perversions violate the law of the land, and when the land is 'defiled,' the people have been cast out of their homes."
Their conclusion: "Whatever justification any judge may believe compels a State to define marriage to include same-sex couples, it is not found in the Constitution, nor is it based in any constitutional principle. For any judge to require a State to define marriage to include same-sex couples is an usurpation of authority that he does not have under the laws of man or God, and is thus illegal."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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