Since God has made Himself inescapably known to all men, it just isn't true for a person to say that he or she is not convinced of God. Many people don't want to believe in God, and they work very hard to convince others and even themselves that they don't believe in Him. But their actions always reveal their suppressed knowledge of God.
Two words, by Bill Hicks, destroys your argument (as in why isn't he 'omnipotent ' enough to actually appear before me personally, in hard, solid, physical form; even as, say, Morgan Freeman [/"Bruce Almighty"], and for him to prove he is what he says he is - via demonstrations of his power - to my satisfaction):
Show me.
> "Since God has made Himself inescapably known to all men"
Yeah, I still remember how I met him on a train once. He seemed a bit drunk, and whenever I asked him something personal, like why he created evil, he just shrugged and told me he doesn't know.
He did tell me that pansies are his favourite flowers, though, and that he doesn't like going to church.
I know, it sounds unbelievable, and to be honest: I, too, suspected him of being just another random drunk guy. But he told me that he's God.
And since the word of God is true, when God says that he's God, it must be so.
He's blonde, has brown eyes, looks about twenty years old, and has a really stupid beard.
If God made himself known to all men, you would expect the concept to arise independently in every culture. There would be no animist cultures, for example, because that would require every single member of that culture to suppress what they know to be "true".
Don't tell the warden, but there are whole populations that have never been inside your delusional bubble, and some of us have escaped.
We know what you allege to be true about your god. Either it's utter nonsense, or your all-powerful being is as coy as an 11-year old school girl.
Since God has made Himself inescapably known to all men, it just isn't true for a person to say that he or she is not convinced of God.
Then what do you need missionaries for?
"Since God has made Himself inescapably known to all men..."
Uh, when was that?
" just isn't true for a person to say that he or she is not convinced of God."
You, who patently can't think your way out of a wet paper sack with a hole in it, have no business telling anyone what they are or are not convinced of.
P.S. You seem to be the poster child for suppressed knowledge. Well, not suppressed really, just never absorbed.
Insert name of favorite deity in the blanks.
Since _____ has made Himself inescapably known to all men, it just isn't true for a person to say that he or she is not convinced of _____. Many people don't want to believe in _____, and they work very hard to convince others and even themselves that they don't believe in Him. But their actions always reveal their suppressed knowledge of _____.
Me, I'll choose Odin. Why do you try to deny that you really believe in the "All-Father"?
I seem to recall that god supposedly made itself unknowable to men as a test of faith. Unknowable, knowable. Make up your fucking mind. If you want to claim that god is objectively provable, then you have to admit to not taking the bible literally.
But please, while you're piecing that together share this "inescapable" proof, I'm sure we'll be impressed by it *sarcasm mode to the max*.
How did he make himself known to all men? There are men who are atheists, Pagan (myself), agnostics, etc. It is not that we do not want to believe, but as others would say the evidence is not in your favour.
"But Ashera, who everyone is implicitly aware of from the moment of conception, immunises your mind against the false God meme, unless you explicitly reject her and expose yourself.
So it's not true to say you aren't a deluded fool by your own hand, because if you weren't you'd believe in Ashera and not God."
Sadly Lisle's half-assed attempt at sophistry - it never quite manages to attain the standards needed to become proper sophistry - is just a long-winded variant of "I'm rubber, you're glue..."
Since God has made Himself inescapably known to all men,
Which one? Whose god? Considering all the gods available to believe or disbelieve in, I'll venture to guess that for any single one the vast majority of the world's population have never heard of him.
Ahh, but that must be proof that all those thousands of others, except yours, are false gods. So guessing which one that is, maybe a third of the world has heard of him, two thirds of whom reject him outright. You others may continue to fight it out amongst yourselves.
Since God has made Himself inescapably known to all men...
How? By way of the Bible? The one that isn't even INTERNALLY consistent, let alone consistent with reality? The one you can find on a shelf in twelve different versions, as well as with a few dozen OTHER "inerrant holy books breathed by the great deity him/herself"? Or how about people who swear that they have seen God and Jesus? Just like the ones who swear they saw Elvis or UFOs.
If you have other proof, I'm happy to hear it. Until then, I remain skeptical.
Atheists, almost 100% god-proof, impervious to Christ-inanity and spreading fast, thanks to the internet presence of hate-filled Christian nutters showing the true face of their spittle-flecking lunacy.
Jason Lisle, one of atheism's favourite enablers, and humourously mockworthy to boot. Cheers Jase.
Thanks ever so much for telling me what I believe.
Tell you what: the only way I'll believe in god is if he kisses my ass in Times Square at noon. Otherwise, no, I don't believe this BS
Since Allah has made Himself inescapably known to all men, it just isn't true for a person to say that he or she is not convinced of Allah. Many people don't want to believe in Allah, and they work very hard to convince others and even themselves that they don't believe in Him. But their actions always reveal their suppressed knowledge of Allah.
Since God has made Himself inescapably known to all men...
Whoa, hold on a minute. That's one hell of an assumption you've just made. Care to explain how you reached that conclusion?
it just isn't true for a person to say that he or she is not convinced of God.
Now you're calling me a liar.
You really don't understand reasoned discussion, do you?
Many people don't want to believe in God, and they work very hard to convince others and even themselves that they don't believe in Him.
Uh huh. So, you believe in the tooth fairy?
Consider your answer carefully.
But their actions always reveal their suppressed knowledge of God.
Fascinating. Actions such as?
Since God has made Himself inescapably unknown to all men, it just isn't true for a person to say that he or she is convinced of God. Many people want to believe in God, and they work very hard to convince others and even themselves that they believe in Him. But their actions always reveal their suppressed uncertainty in God.
"But their actions always reveal their suppressed knowledge of God."
Lemme guess:
JASON LISLE: "Come and worship Jesus with me!"
GUY: "No thanks, I'm not Christian."
JASON LISLE: "WHAT?!?!! You're going to burn in Hell if you don't repent and accept Jesus as your lord and savior!"
GUY: "Oh, come on. What kind of cruel god would condemn his creation to eternal torture just because they didn't believe something for which the only evidence was an old book?"
JASON LISLE: "See, you're talking about God! That means you really secretly DO believe in God! Psalm 14:1, beeyotch!"
Ya just can't argue with ironclad logic like that.
My god and goddess made themselves known to me while I meditated in a forest, and we had a totes freaky threesome. I call that inescapable knowledge, so how come I can never tell a Christian that because of this, it's not true for a person to say that he or she is not convinced of Kerridwen and Cernunos?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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