Bryan Fischer #fundie
If we want police officers in America to be able to wear their police uniforms in their own cars without fear, we'd best do something about unrestrained and un-vetted Islamic immigration.
If we want to see where we in America are headed, we need only to look at Europe. First it was in France, now it's in England. It doesn't take blinding insight to realize we're next.
Hamtramck, Michigan now has a city council that is majority Muslim. The call to Muslim prayer is broadcast five times a day over the entire city, with the first blast launching at 6 am every day whether Christian residents are offended by it or not.
Am I saying Hamtramck is a no-go zone? Of course not. Am I saying that if something isn't done, it will become one? If there is anything to learn from Europe, the answer to that question is an unequivocal yes.
Concern over untrammelled Muslim immigration is not bigotry, it's common sense. Anyone who loves America and is thinking clearly and objectively has reason to worry. This is not Islamophobia, for there is nothing irrational about our fear of Islamic fundamentalism.
No, it is Islamorealism. And whether you agree with Mr. Trump or not, it's time to bleed the mindless hysteria out of this debate. Name-calling is not debate, disagreement is not hatred, and the truth is not hate speech.
Bottom line: it already looks like England is not just a gun-free zone but on its way to becoming a brain-free zone to boot. Let's not follow them there.