technically, all evolutionists r racists. if u r offended by that, then u need to re-examine ur beliefs according to evolution, shouldnt ONE species be more dominate than another? so either blacks r better than whites or whites r better than blacks. or maybe its the AZNs who r the best. wait a second! isnt this racism? yes it is.
We do not discriminate on the basis of race. However, people who can neither spell or use rudimentary grammar should, in our considered opinion, be shot and pissed on.
Evolution never suggested that, in fact it linked us with our black ancestors which really got the churchs worked up.
Is it me or is 90% of their objections to evolution based on misunderstanding of the theory due to religion falsifying it?
acordin 2 evolushun, black peopl r diffrnt species from white poepl becuz I sez so. acordin two creitonsim, black popel nd white peepol r all eekwally Gad's mud cretures an arr difrant only becuz of tower babel!!! or becuz blacks be childrin of ham! this is fact!
I'm more offended by your appalling "spelling".
Species =/= races. Plus; ToE describes what is happening, it doesn't state what should be happening.
Evolution pertains to species. White, black, Asian, they're all human, and therefore all equal. Are brown dogs better then golden dogs?
Are calicos better then Manxes? No, because their all the same overarching species.
I know it may hurt a lot of you fundies to discover this - but you belong to the same species as Obama and the mayor of Lagos.
I seriously doubt, though, that either of those gentlemen has ever eaten a vegetable that was half as stupid as Dilbert.
Humans are one species, "irregardless" of skin-tone, stupid.
For living in the equatorial sun, black skin-tones are "better", for living nearer the North or South Poles, light skin-tones are "better".
Evolution doesn't say anything about domination, but about survival. All the species that are alive today are "better" than those that are extinct.
And ToE only describes what is happening, it's no rule book.
Race=/=species Race are arbitrary subsets of mankind based and subtle features.
Species are different sets of lifeforms that have adapted into certain ecological niches and can no long produce viable/fertile offspring from members of another species.
I better know the difference because my fiance is half black/half white And i want to have kids some day ;)
technically, all evolutionists r racists. if u r offended by that, then u need to re-examine ur beliefs according to evolution,
Personally, I think you are very poorly educated. If you are offended by that then stop writing like a grade-school reject.
shouldnt ONE species be more dominate than another? so either blacks r better than whites or whites r better than blacks. or maybe its the AZNs who r the best. wait a second! isnt this racism? yes it is.
Black people aren't a different species from white people you ignorant fuck. This is what we call a Freudian slip, that shows us who's really the racist here.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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