"Intelligent Design theorem is plainly obvious (unlike evolution), [...]"
Given up on biology and moved into mathematics now, have you? Scientists in biology and other physical sciences use theories, mathematicians use theorems. You'll pardon me if I take nothing else you have to say seriously.
"it can be easily found just by looking at the world around you."
Fine. Do so. Pointing to something and saying, "that's complex; therefor it was designed!" is not showing such evidence. Pointing to something and saying that does nothing other than show something is "complex", not that it was designed.
"This quote by the Discovery Institute explains it well “certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection."
Which ones and why is it so?
"I answered your question, now you answer my question, how can evolution even be considered science in any meaning of the word?"
Because it fits the standard and accepted definition of the word "science", unlike Intelligent Design/Creationism/Goddidit.