Glenn Beck #fundie
On his radio show today, Glenn Beck claimed the Occupy Wall Street protesters are going to commit a terrorist act, collapse the nation, and kill millions of Americans.
Beck warned his listeners to stock up on food and water because Van Jones, unions, the left and Occupy Wall Street are planning an attack next week on Wall Street. Beck claimed that this is verified information that came to him from credible sources. Left unanswered is exactly why anyone would tell Glenn Beck this information before they would tell the FBI or Homeland Security. Speaking of the FBI, they might want to pay Mr. Beck a visit if he continues to make up false terror threats against America.
Beck played a clip from Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show, and then said, “These people are not interested in creative destruction. They are only interested in destruction. That leads to gas chambers. That leads to guillotines. That leads to millions dead. That leads to Mao. That leads to totalitarianism, every single time.”
Glenn Beck continued by going into one of his elaborate collapse of America conspiracy theories where banks were closed, stores were looted, and eventually the Occupy Wall Street protesters broke into his listeners homes because they have more than the protesters.