"By saying they dis-believe in God, they believe that they are striking back at or hurting Him in some way."
How can I hurt something that doesn't exist? Which is why Blasphemy is a victimless crime.
"Hurt people- hurt people"
Gays, women wanting abortions, Left-wingers, decent non-fundy Christians, Muslims, Wiccans etc, and Agnostics, Atheists, and generally anyone not like you True Christians? Sure. And Ruptured Retards is just that - a site consisting of hurtful comments full of bile, vitriol & venom against non-fundies as a whole.
"I think atheists have gone through something painful in their lives."
Or like me, they had good upbringings and above all - decent educations. Especially the latter, which enabled them to read the bible properly, and realise what it is: the evil parasitic disease in book form it really is, and wanted no part of the poison it spews, and refusing to be infected by the AIDS of fundy thinking. Thus they became Atheists. After all:
'Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived'
-Isaac Asimov
You fundies certainly haven't read your Bibles.