Islam is about control. The word itself means "submission." It is a socio-cultural pseudo-religion based upon the incoherent scribblings of one man - the "prophet" Muhammad, a warring tyrant who, as even the Quran concedes, was a murderous misogynist and pedophile. This unholy book is loosely plagiarized from the Bible's Old and New Testaments - scriptures that, by contrast, were seamlessly transcribed over centuries by roughly 40 men under the direct and divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
@Pile On -- not only Christianity, but only certain Protestant sects that happen to agree with Barber.
Matt, what is your proof that the OT and NT "were seamlessly transcribed over centuries by roughly 40 men under the direct and divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit" instead of incoherent scribbling. Since the ancient manuscripts don't all agree, I don't see where you can claim they're "seamlessly transcribed."
""Submisson" to God, moron, not submisson of everybody else."
Actually it is submission to both God and to a theocratic government by Sharia.
Apparently you missed the part about Muslims being commanded to "forbid evil" (i.e. enforce Sharia law with earthly punishments)
Always amusing to see useful idiot atheists and leftists defend Islam against their own interests. Haven't you learned yet? These guys are not going to be your friends if they ever get into power. Ask the leftists in Iran... oh wait you can't cause they were executed following the Iranian revolution.
I'm suprised you don't like Islam more, Barber. It's not fond of self-awareness, and neither are you, judging by the pile up of fallacies you have here. You have so much in common!
The Quran was composed over a much shorter time period than the entirety of the Bible, so I'm guessing that the Quran is more coherent.
As for the Bible, seeing as how the earlier authors demonstrated no awareness whatsoever that people would be adding to their words (at no point to Yahweh hint that his laws were only a temporary gig until Jeremiah came along created the notion out of nothing), your notion of seamless transcription is obvious bunk.
It's always amusing to see conservatives conveniently forget that everything they accuse Muslims of wanting to do has already been done by Christians, until they stopped , because religious people are perfectly capable of making independent moral decisions . How else do you explain all the gay-friendly churches?
"It is a socio-cultural pseudo-religion based upon the incoherent scribblings of one man "
Accusation made by an incoherent scribbler.
Always amusing to see useful idiot christianists and rightists pull shit out of their ass.
You do know there are oaths taken when you become part of a church and Scriptural statements uttered under Baptisms and called for at church, funeral and weddings (and sporting events or clambakes or fucking only everything in America) that calls for you to state your total conviction and submission to God AND THE FAITH?
Yeah, you know it.
"Bible's Old and New Testaments - scriptures that, by contrast, were seamlessly transcribed over centuries by roughly 40 men under the direct and divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit."
Another attempt to rewrite history of your book. Biblical scholars can't point out many seams that ran counter to consistency and many more that demanded it be tore apart and redone. Hence you not having just one OT and just one NT.
Barber by the way being a right wing American shit probably is talking about the KJV, recognized as the one with very unseemly seams indeed.
@ #1876872
Always amusing to see useful idiot atheists and leftists defend Islam against their own interests. Haven't you learned yet? These guys are not going to be your friends if they ever get into power.
What makes you think we like fundamentalist Islam over fundamentalist Christianity? Or that we want them in power?
We're not defending Islam, because to us it's just another barbaric religion based upon old superstitions. We are, however, criticizing blatant Islamaphobia because we think that those who hate others just because they're different are idiots, as your post shows.
*sigh* It worships the same god that you do in much the same way as you do. It is no better or worse than Christianity has been and, in some cases, still is.
the "prophet" Muhammad, a warring tyrant who, as even the Quran concedes, was a murderous misogynist and pedophile
So were most of the men who wrote the Bible.
scriptures that, by contrast, were seamlessly transcribed over centuries by roughly 40 men under the direct and divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
1) "seamlessly transcribed"? You must be having a fucking laugh. They don't even agree on Jesus's last words and if he said all of them, he made a short speech while dying in absolute agony.
2) Prove it.
The Eternal Talibangelist Theocracy of Godsville is about control. The agenda itself means "submission." It is a sociopathic pseudo-religion based upon the incoherent scribblings of one man - the "deity" Jehovah, a warring tyrant who, as even the Bible concedes, was a murderous misogynist and pedophile. This unholy book is loosely plagiarized from Judaism Old Testament - scriptures that, by contrast, were seamlessly transcribed over centuries.
"..the Quran concedes..."
So you'd rather Muhammad lie about what he actually did?
"... is loosely plagarized..."
Given that Islam claims to be a kind of reformation of the Judaeo-Christian tradition this is exactly 0% surprising
And the Bu¥Bull, in turn, was based after other Semitic and Middle East religions with cultural elements of the time mixed in. It's got lots and lots of barbarism, and the stories are contradictory. Please tell me how it is any more the word of a god than the Qur'an.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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