This is what I think of darwin and his theory:
(_o_) *ppppppppppbbbbbbbttttttttttt*
(that was supposed to be a fart in case you evolutionists didn't get that)
With such a logical and rational argument, how can I not concede your point and accept Intelligent Design? Well, considering that you didn't make a logical and rational argument, or any argument at all for that matter, it's rather easy.
Obviously this guy has some sort of brain thing, or was dropped on his head or whatever. But I have to ask, how does being a troll make him less of a fundie? Seems to me like we should make even more fun of them.
This is what I think of Christian Creationism:
(_o_) *qweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef*
(that was supposed to be a know a vaginal fart...nevermind, I might as well explain calculus to a chimp)
Oh no, insults, our theory is ruined.
This is what I think of your immature technique:
I think it's foolish and shows you have no idea what you're talking about.
Obvious tro....
Eh, what's the point
See this?
:: brandishes baseball ::
This is a plug. Keep using it until your embarrassing flatulence problem clears up.
Or until you mature sufficiently to allow your other testicle time to descend.
You know, whichever comes first.
The irony is, this is more intelligent and coherent than most comments made against evolution. Bravo!
(That was supposed to be a sarcastic round of applause, in case not everybody could comprehend my awesomeness)
You've just shown how immature you are.
As a grown-up I have arguments and reasons for why I don't like certain things.
Don't worry, dearie, you'll get there eventually too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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