Atheists are taught that ultimately there are NO CONSEQUENCES for their actions. It does not matter if you were an altruistic saint, or the most cold-blooded murdering, thieving, rapist... And as a result, Atheists tend to live their lives as if there are NO ultimate consequences for their words and actions.
Bwhahaha. Ok, how's this: You have one chance, that is one chance, three minus two chances. If you fuck up and die, that's no do-overs, no second chances, no 'insert credit to continue.' Also, there's of course human empathy and stuff like that, but you wouldn't know anything 'bout that, now would you.
"Fundamentalists are taught that ultimately there are NO CONSEQUENCES for their actions. It does not matter if you were an altruistic saint, or the most cold-blooded murdering, thieving, rapist... All you have to do is "Believe in Jaysus!" and say the right magic words... And as a result, Fundamentalists tend to live their lives as if there are NO ultimate consequences for their words and actions."
They don't even have to believe any of it - all they have to do is SAY they believe in Jeebus and all the past sins are erased. I noticed at my 10 year high school reunion that all the meanest, nastiest, ugliest mother stabbers and father rapers had Jeebus now. How many times can they be "Born Again"? If only once, then the Cat Lickers have any easier out - mumble a few Hail Mary's and restart.
Us atheistical cold blooded raping murdering Clinton voting evil thieves are on our own recognisance. It's our choice, but still, it just ain't FAIR!!
The scary part is that fundamentalists think that the only thing restraining mankind from total slaughter is the fear of the wrath of some folk up in the sky when our bodies are already dead and rotten. It's almost funny that evolution provides a nice alternative explanation: those whose brains are better adapter for collaboration and care tended to survive in higher numbers, passing those genes to the next generations. See, we don't need the fear of hell, we just need to understand that we feel compelled to be good to each other because its what made our ancestors survive.
I used to believe the same thing. When I was, like, nine.
Where's the proof of your hypothesis? Wouldn't the overwhelming majority of the population (because only your select sect are "true Christians," natch) be out murdering and thieving and raping? The fact that most people *aren't* murderers would seem to prove you wrong.
See, some of us don't *need* the threats of consequences from the magical sky daddy to keep us from being cold-bloaded theiving murdering rapists. We believe in things like, oh, the ethic of reciprocity, or human rights. I don't want to turn this into some sort of morality pissing contest, but the fact that you apparently *do* need outside threats to keep from becoming the murdering/thieving/raping criminal you view as your natural state scares me more than just a little.
Uh, NO. Acctually, considering we make up only a tiny tiny tiny, almost unnoticable fraction of prison inmates compared to Christians, it's YOU who grow up learning that, because God always forgives.
Well, here's the truth straight from God, the maker of the world:
There are of course consequences, and it doesn't matter whether someone believes it or not, whether they're religious or not, whether they accept Jesus Impostor Christ or whatever.
The consequences, of course, end for the person that dies. For the other people, the consequences still exist.
So: Hitler fucked the world pretty badly. And he left into nonexistence - there is nothing after dying. We, the people, have to live with the consequences of what he did in his life.
That is just the way it is.
Of course there are consequences, you dolt! If I hurt someone, steal something, rape someone or kill someone, chances are that I get caught and will go to prison. If I don't get caught, my conscience will still hound me, and let me know I am a bad person.
As long as you have empathy, conscience and a sense of right an wrong (concepts that predates Christianity by about 200 000 years), then those things will keep you on the right side of life.
As for sociopats or psychopats, or whatever you want to call them (people without empathy and conscience), they will only behave nicely to save their own skin (or their imaginary immortal soul). If they think nobody is watching, then they do whatever atrocities they fancy, like raping little altar boys, or sleep with their preteen daughters, or kill doctors or gay people.
"It does not matter if you were an altruistic saint, or the most cold-blooded murdering, thieving, rapist..."
- Actually, that's your lot's position. Don't you remember? Actions do not matter to your god. One could be the most cold-blooded murdering thieving rapist and still go to heaven if they say the magic words before they die.
Come on back next time you need another lesson in your religion.
“Atheists are taught that ultimately there are NO CONSEQUENCES for their actions”
No, that’s not an atheist teaching. I have scars, i have a partially amputated finger, i have staples in my retina… There are all sorts of consequences to actions.
You just mean there’s no ETERNAL PUNISHMENT for our actions.
"It does not matter if you were an altruistic saint, or the most cold-blooded murdering, thieving, rapist...”
After we’re dead, no. But look at Andrew Tate right now. Even without heaven or hell, he’s in a Romanian jail right now for rape and trfficing…
“And as a result, Atheists tend to live their lives as if there are NO ultimate consequences for their words and actions.”
I don’t fear an afterlife judgment, no. I still don’t rape, murder, steal, dispose of bodies, torture critics, or pirate music.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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