Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh burst into a hostile rant Wednesday, accusing Democrats of turning women into “nothing but abortion machines.”
Limbaugh -- the man who once suggested deterring abortion by requiring that it be carried out with a gun -- was responding to a caller’s advice on combating “liberal propaganda” that paints Republicans as anti-women.
“Look at what they [Democrats] are doing to women with their policies: They’re demeaning them, they’re turning them into nothing but abortion machines,” Limbaugh said. “There's so much that we could be doing to just fight back, but the Republican Party, even if they had all the money in the world right now, doesn’t seem inclined to do any of this.”
Needless to say, this isn't Limbaugh's first slam of Democrats' stance on women's rights. In 2012, he called Georgetown Law School student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” who wants “taxpayers to pay her to have sex” after she spoke out in defense of the Obama administration's rule requiring health insurance coverage of birth control.
"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh burst into a hostile rant Wednesday, accusing Democrats of turning women into “nothing but abortion machines.”
He's absolutely right. They should be nothing but baby machines.
So in drug-addicted, fat boy, Dominican sex slave exploiter's interpretation of the topic is that the right to x = forcing of x.
You stupid, fat little drug-addicted man. I bet you don't even know how to talk to women.
I hope that, if your fat face ever catches fire that someone puts it out with a pitchfork.
The only ones who want to turn women into anything are fundie conservatives, and the Russian government (which seems to have skipped directly from ultra-left to ultra-right). Y'all want to turn women into baby-machines, regardless of what they want to do with their lives.
A lot of the Democrats ARE women, and the others are not doing anything TO women, they are doing it WITH women, asshole! What the heck is an abortion machine? No-one is being forced or coerced to have an abortion, all we are saying is that the OPTION must be available.
As long as Viagra is covered by health insurances, contraceptives ought to be covered too. Both can be used for other things than sex, and both makes it possible for people to have safe recreational sex, which is genuinely good for people (adult and consenting, of course).
Rush Limburger. How to Lose Friends and Alienate People indeed.
Here is an object lesson, GOP, Teabaggers, Religious Reich et al, of why you as a political force are now spent. Because when the Republican Party regard Limburger as one would upon discovering a skidmark on a hotel towel, and as one would with such, dropping him just as quickly, then...!
And to think, o right-wingers: he once effectively dictated policy to the Republican Party, such was his media imfluence, certainly to it's electorate.
Faux News are just as much an irrelevance too. Enjoy being a political pariah , Rupert Murdoch, when even the Conservative Party here won't so much as give you the time of day anymore. [/"News of the World"] >:D
It's over. The Democrats have won . Enjoy your personal echo-chamber, Rushiepoos. With emphasis on personal .
"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh burst into a hostile rant Wednesday"
Funny, you'd think it was just another Tuesday.
"They’re demeaning them, they’re turning them into nothing but abortion machines"
Meanwhile conservatives are holding up women - as nothing but baby making machines.
"There's so much that we could be doing to just fight back, but the Republican Party, even if they had all the money in the world right now, doesn’t seem inclined to do any of this"
That's because women are 50% of the electorate, and if you look at how Megyn Kelly attacked her fellow Fox News collegues when they basicly said women shouldn't work (to her face no less), it's quite clear that even the most fundie/conservative women will at some point stop voting their own rights away. And then the Republicans would only be 25%-30% or as it is also know "irrelevant". You know, like in Cali.
He wants women to stop having abortions, but does he think about the impact that ED meds have on the issue? And why isn't he crying out for men taking ED meds to video tape and post on the internets their sexual exploits conducted by the use of meds provided by insurance coverage? Doesn't that make men you use ED drugs paid for with insurance coverage sluts and prostitutes? If men would stopped getting erections, women would stop getting pregnant. Oh, and might I point out the obvious, birth control also prevents abortion.
... accusing Democrats of turning women into "nothing but abortion machines"
When have Democrats ever told women to have abortions? That's like accusing Republicans of turning gang members into "nothing but assassins" because Republicans support gun owners' rights.
accusing Democrats of turning women into “nothing but abortion machines.”
Limbaugh's first slam of Democrats' stance on women's rights. In 2012, he called Georgetown Law School student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” who wants “taxpayers to pay her to have sex” after she spoke out in defense of the Obama administration's rule requiring health insurance coverage of birth control
So...the Democrats want women to be abortion machines them free contraceptives? Just wanted to make sure that's what you're going with.
One wonders what anyone has to get by having more women have abortions. I, myself, would prefer for people to use condoms and have safe sex. The problems is that they're not perfect, they have a chance to fail, and that abortions are a last resorts. That's how normal people see abortions.
Abortions cost money and aren't some field trip to the zoo, ass.
"...Rush Limbaugh burst into a hostile rant Wednesday..."
in other words, it was a day ending in "y".
I'm surprised Rush hasn't died of stress yet, seriously the dude needs to stop getting pissed over everything, maybe go to las vegas and just get drunk off his ass...then wake up in a hotel and get punched by mike tyson.
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