Bryan Fischer #fundie
Other religions, such as Islam, have no specific First Amendment rights since the Founders weren't even addressing alternatives to Christianity. Dealing with other religions was a matter for the states, not the central government. Other religions do, of course, have the presumption of religious liberty in America. As long as they behave themselves and don't trouble society, society will not trouble them. But if any one of them - say, Islam - proves troublesome, states have all the authority they need to deal with the trouble.
In fact, all authority over religious expression - every last bit - was delegated by We the People to the states. This means, for example, that states can constitutionally prohibit the building of mosques and Oklahoma can prohibit this weekend's satanic mass if it wishes to do so.
Thus any law or court that impinges on free religious expression is by definition flatly unconstitutional. No executive order can restrict the free expression of Christianity in any way, and no federal judge has any constitutional authority to issue a ruling that prohibits Christian prayer, Bible reading in schools, crosses or Ten Commandments monuments on public land or employers from taking Christian principle into account in personnel decisions. All those issues are for the states to decide.
The First Amendment was designed by the Founders to keep the intrusive and heavy hand of the central government from interfering in any way with freedom of Christian expression. It has been turned upside down by tyrannical and intrusive judges and is now used as a sledgehammer to pulverize into little tiny shards the very religious liberty it was designed to protect.
On Constitution Day, it’s time to get back to the Constitution the Founders gave us, not the one mangled out of recognition by black-robed tyrants. Let’s trade the religious oppression of the courts for the religious liberty of the Founders. There’s no better day to start.