(After asking for a poll proving scientists
supported the theory of evolution)
I asked for a poll, yes, and he supplied one, but the polls I have read show most scientists to be completely stupid and dumb.
I'd like to see these polls, since it's generally accepted that scientists are the people who best understand what's going on, and are therefore further from being "stupid and dumb" than most others.
They probably either don't exist or get their results from a very biased sample.
Well, we can all be stupid in different ways, in full fairness.
Take YAWisback. It seems as though he's using the word "dumb" as a synonym for "stupid," and then uses them both in a single sentence as though it magnifies his intent.
And that is why you need a biohazard suit to plumb the GameFAQs forums.
Seriously, what sort of poll would prove one's intelligence level? All polls show is your opinion on a topic.
the polls I have read show most scientists to be completely stupid and dumb
Typical poll results:
in favor = x %
opposed = 100 - x %
margin for error +/-1 %
How do you get "most scientists are completely stupid and dumb" out of these types of answers?! How about: most polls show the scientists to be completely in favor of evolution and therefore it's his own perception that they're stupid and dumb because he disagrees with evolution? At least that's honest.
YAWisback said:
"I asked for a poll, yes, and he supplied one, but the polls I have read show most scientists to be completely stupid and dumb."
YAWisback meant:
I asked for a poll, yes, and he supplied one, but the polls I have read show most scientists disagree with my views so they are completely stupid and dumb.
I asked for a poll, yes, and he supplied one, but the polls I have read show most scientists to be completely stupid and dumb.
I'm betting that poll looked something like this:
Do you think scientists are:
a) Stupid
b) Dumb
c) Dumb and Stupid
and the respondents were the members of the Rapture Ready board.
the difference between a scientist and a christian is this:
if a scientist is presented valid proof that his beliefs are wrong he will accept
if the same is done to a christian then he will not accept it and still have blind faith
This guy is a Young Earth Creationist who rejects anything that opposes his extremely narrow viewpoints. I am not pulling this out of thin air, I have seen enough of his posts to deduce that.
Thank goodness GameFAQs instituted an ignore list.
Yes, but 97.5% of people who think that secretly lust after their mothers.
The other 2.5% were too busy with their mothers to answer the question.
He may actually think he's seen polls to that end. In church newsletters, the Watchtower, Hovind, Comfort and Chick claims to such findings.
The questions would be leading:
Do you trust scientific research?
Do you believe scientists are on the right track?
Does science have a moral compass?
Taken in a Fundie area, right-wing state science will be seen as anything from useless to dangerous
There are shit polls of all kinds, the questions are hardly ever provided just a conclusion drawn from sometimes only some of the questions.
A poll of tea-party followers just yesterday revealed 50% think interracial marriage should be illegal and they support Palin at 75%, Huckabee had huge support to.
National polls show less than 5% support for Palin and no signifigant opposition to interracial marriage
By all means stop using electricity, transistors, computers and the internet.
Leave off any medical care, too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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