"This been answered before. The true Christian is here to post truth and Biblical Truth. The Elect will hear their calling.
There is no "trying to convert" anyone. Bible teaches us to proclaim the Truth. That's it. Irresistible Grace will lead saints to Salvation."
Again I ask you: what is the fucking point, then? If only a pre-determined "Elect" is getting in, then what's the point of proclaiming your "Truth" when you're not actually going to convert anyone?
I'll tell you what you think the point is: it's about being an elitist asshole. You don't give a shit about anything Jesus actually taught, all you care about is rubbing your faith-based "superiority" in the faces of all the women, minorities, and people who can think for themselves who won't be getting into your fucked-up version of Heaven.
"Our school system is awful. As in, unChristian. That's why Christians homeschool."
Because God forbid a True Christian have objective sources of information. What's that, all actual evidence points towards secular ideas? Nope! Can't have that! Gotta be all about the brainwashing, if we teach enough of our kids the planet is flat and there's still more than enough room for double the current population then maybe it'll actually be true!
"Our justice system is awful. As in, unBiblical. That's why we fight to reform it so travesty like allowing sodomite marriage or abortionism stops happening in this country."
Yeah, how dare the land of the free actually be the land of the free. How dare we not withhold the right to marriage from gay people or bodily autonomy from women when the Bible clearly says they're sub-human filth. I mean, it's not like beliefs that one group of people is superior to all others ever caused anything terrible, right?
Also, "abortionism" is funny. It's almost as if you think people have abortions just for the sake of murdering babies! Certainly a True Christian® wouldn't think something like that, right?
"Our healthcare system is aweful, and as Christians we don't need it at all. Ps 91:10."
Right, how's about you let God handle every ill that ever befalls you from now on. Fuck doctors who actually have some idea about anything they ever talk about, fuck police or firefighters that are trained to help people against criminals and natural disasters, all the True Christian needs is prayer. Go ahead, let us know how it works!
"And we do need to spend more on defense and make firearms more accessible to people."
The defense budget has nothing to do with civilian access to firearms, you dumb fucking asshole. Just because you're a "True Christian©®" doesn't mean you're immune to looking like a clueless asshole when you talk out of your ass about things you're too "holy" to bother actually looking up, please don't insult our intelligence by pretending otherwise.