We expect that a perfect, omnipotent, omniscient deity would be just, and enlightened enough to understand his creations. There is no justice in sending someone to hell for all eternity for being homosexual, or having premarital sex, or believing in the wrong god (or no god at all). In fact, I can think of NO crime worthy of being tortured for all eternity in all the brutal ways attributed to hell. Even the sickest, most depraved serial killers, child molesters, rapists and so on can't possibly deserve such a fate. If your god does exist (and I thank the metaphorical heavens that he most certainly doesn't), he is the most prolific criminal of all time, guilty of abuse, neglect and unimaginable violence.
The god of the bible, particularly the old testament, is the complete opposite of everything justice stands for. If any human leader attempted to impose the rules of the old testament (and they have; take a look at the middle east or Europe in the dark ages) without the backing of the bible, you would be outraged, and rightfully so.
If God's rules are so perfect, why is our sense of good and bad (that he supposedly gave us) so horrified by his "morals"? Why does the idea of anyone being stoned to death make me sick to my stomach? Why do stories about homosexuals being murdered for being who they are bring angry tears to my eyes? If God is the "good" side of good and evil, why does he register as evil by the very conscience and sense of morality that he supposedly gave me?
You worship a malevolent barbarian and, frankly, it scares the shit out of me that you'd think such things would be just. It scares me when I realize just how much religion can warp a person...