The problem is that it was warmer on earth before there were cars and computers and so on. It has been shown that climate goes in cycles and always has. The reason the government wants to link man to global warming is because they want money from people to control it. And of course, the earth has actually been cooling for the last 18-20 they changed it to "climate change" instead of "global warming". Of course the climate always has. Would be very strange if it didn't. The Antarctic used to be a rain forest so I've read. When I was a kid, we were taught that we were going to freeze to death and there would be no food because the winters would last too long...they called it "global cooling". (anything for the government to wield more control over us).
"Of course the climate always has. Would be very strange if it didn't. The Antarctic used to be a rain forest so I've read."
What FSFS is sying is "Since there have been MANY climate changes NOT caused by humans in the past, there can't be any such thing as climate change CAUSED by humans!"
Which is similar to "A straight friend of mine once tried out same-gender sex out of curiosity! Proof positive there's NO SUCH THING AS 'born gay'!!"
"The problem is that it was warmer on earth before there were cars and computers and so on."
Because our industry had already been using fossil fuels in the form of coal for a century when Svante Arrhenius discovered the phenomenon in 1896, and before that, immense amounts of wood had been devoured both for timber and for charcoal (leaving many mediterranean regions, such as Iberia, whose forests were once said to be so dense that a squirrel could jump from one side of the peninsula to the other without touching ground, as barren shrubland).
I really do not get that "we should not care about the environment, indeed, we should exploit it all the more ruthlessly, because we are the designated rulers of the biosphere" mentality. A ruler who ruthlessly exploits his subjects without caring about the future is not a good ruler, but an evil and incompetent one - which has always been true, and will be true until the the end of time. I doubt God would be pleased with the way we mismanaged his creation.
" And of course, the earth has actually been cooling for the last 18-20 years..."
A graph trending down . . .
" The Antarctic used to be a rain forest so I've read."
Did you miss the part where that was 150 million years ago?
And it has also been shown that everyone eventually dies. That in no way changes the fact that we can greatly expedite the process by pumping a person's lungs full of toxic gasses, shoving a knife through their eye and setting them on fire. The fact that something is naturally occurring doesn't make it good for our health. Just because there's brick wall ahead of your car, that doesn't mean that you should slam your foot down on the gas and smash into it at 100mph. You throw on the breaks and try to swerve in an effort to avoid or minimize the damage and possibly survive. Or at least that's what the mentally competent do, anyway.
Seriously: how fucking many time do you need to be dropped on your head as a baby to achieve this level of stupid? Do fundie parents dribble their children like basketballs or something?
@The Mimic Octopus
"A ruler who ruthlessly exploits his subjects without caring about the future is not a good ruler, but an evil and incompetent one - which has always been true, and will be true until the the end of time. I doubt God would be pleased with the way we mismanaged his creation."
Actually you just described Yahweh to a T so I'm guessing he'd approve wholeheartedly.
@ Mister Spak
Plus, Antarctica was not even in the same place...
@ Admiral Nopants
Actually, I always compare their god to Dukat in DS9. Not only do you have to accept his oppression, you have to be grateful for it.
The Antarctic used to be a rain forest so I've read.
When it was part of Pangaea and before it moved to the south pole. This is about as stupid an argument as "Look, here's a snowball. That proves that global warming isn't happening."
It was warmer (true) - but as that was in the age of the dinosaurs I don't really think you'd want to live then.
The earth has been cooling for 20 years (false, untrue, and pants-on-fire lie) - we have, in this new century, in this puny little 16 years, had 13 or 14 of the hottest years in history, globally. True, the sun's output is in a down-cycle, but that just offsets the heat a tiny bit, and it is still warming.
They call it climate change instead of global warming (true) - because the republican conservatives though it would be less scary.
When you were a kid they taught you about cooling (I really, really doubt it) - a couple of rogue scientists thought so, it got into the popular press in spite of being disavowed by the scientific community as a whole, and has been used as a talking point ever since although it was generally ignored at the time. I doubt they taught you that in school.
You're not getting a passing grade on this, Fair.
“The earth has actually been cooling for the last 18-20 years” comes from a GOP talking point made by Rubio, IIRC. It was basically “All years after 1998 have been cooler than 1998, that has to mean that the Earth is cooling for the last 18 years.” Why take a random year like 1998 and an equally random time period of 18 years, you ask? Well, because 1998 was an outlier with an exceptional high average temperature, so if you use a data set or a graph that excludes anything before 1998, you can pretend that global warming isn’t happening.
I think the problem is that you don't understand how climate,weather, planet earth, continents etc work....
We stopped throwing our trash on the ground after we died of the Plague. Then we stopped throwing our trash in the water after we died of cholera. It's the ones who are now using our air as a trash can who have a financial incentive to deny climate change; not the people who are warning you about it. What makes more sense: climate scientists all over the world are warning of global climate change as part of some wacko one-government conspiracy, or oil and coal mining companies and people like the Koch brothers are denying climate change because they're going to lose business if people use less oil and coal?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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