"Can you prove that I'm not a figment of your imagination? not unless we meet in real life"
Well, you've just admitted that you are nothing more than a slightly more advanced Chatterbot AI, therefore anything you say - even about 'religion' - is invalid, as a mere algorithm has even less credibility debate-wise than His Holy Sauciness, least of all the reason for the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Pastafarianism, 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' etc; i.e. the point of the FSM.
Russell's Teapot and all that jazz. So I'm afraid that - re your 'God' - you & all your fundie ilk with nothing more than 'Faith' (which sounds just like FAIL) and your 'Beliefs' (remember: You cannot spell 'Beliefs' without the word LIE) lose the debate doubly.
A rainbow doesn't physically exist, but at least we can see it (thus annihilating the concept of the 'Spiritual'/'Supernatural'), Ergo...:
Frankly it's not looking (pun may or may not be intended) very good for you fundies, proof-wise (1 Thessalonians 5:21 [KJV]); even you 'God' can't be counted as an Analogy, when 'he' is nothing more than something pulled out of the Anal regions of Bronze Age goatfuckers with ideas above their stations.
Moral: Then you wonder why people no longer 'Believe', purely on spec as you lot would wish - certainly force - us to...? And when the point of the FSM continues to go right over you fundies' heads, then again, no wonder...!