My Dinosaur Challenge
Complete the logic:
The Bible mentions birds.
Birds are avian dinosaurs.
The Bible mentions _______________.
"The bible mentions..." insects having 4 legs, Pi = 3, the world is flat etc etc.
And no, the bible makes no mention of dinosaurs. Birds may have descended from dinosaurs, but they are no longer dinosaurs. They are birds.
Warm-blooded dinosaurs?
Birds are far more removed from dinosaurs than we are from chimps. And monkeys, I hazard.
Are you wndorsing evolution here, AV?
1. Socrates was a man.
2. All men are mortal.
-> All men are Socrates.
No......wait. Uh...
(I stole that from Woody Allen)
But it makes as much sense as that stupid fundie cunt's "logic".
Not possible since a false premise ("birds are avian dinosaurs") is included and no valid conclusion can therefore be drawn.
Birds are not dinosaurs of any kind, they are merely descended from dinosaurs in the same way you, AV1611VET are descended from an ancestor we have in common with the apes.
No amount of logic, specious or otherwise, can draw a valid conclusion when one or more of the premises are invalid themselves.
There is no depth of stupidity you will not plumb in order to appear "right," is there?
But... birds aren't avian dinosaurs. Coming from something isn't the same as being something. You aren't your parents, the ashes of a burned newspaper isn't a newspaper, shit isn't food, etc.
Whether we are going to call birds dinosaurs or not is not important. If we do, they are extant dinosaurs, as are crocodiles, alligators and caimans. Whatever.
The point is that the great big non-feathery dinosaurs (with which modern birds and crocodilians share a common ancestor to the exlusion of other extant taxa) all died long before humans evolved, and further, the cause of their death was not likely a flood that lasted 40 days and nights.
But for the sake of shits and giggles lets just include birds in the taxon avian dinosaurs, and see that the following also holds true.
The Bible mentions birds.
Birds are avian dinosaurs.
I had an avian dinosaur salad sandwich for lunch yesterday.
An avian dinosaur shat on my car.
An avian dinosaur-brained individual calling himself AV1611VET likes to post comments on ChristianForums regarding scientific matters on which he is ignorant (because of the brain-thing previously mentioned).
Sweet Violet wrote:
"Not possible since a false premise ("birds are avian dinosaurs") is included and no valid conclusion can therefore be drawn."
Not exactly. The argument is valid (of course, this depends on how rigorous we make our notion of identity). However, since the the premise "Birds are avian dinosaurs" is doubtful, it is incorrect to infer the conclusion from the premises. If the conclusion were demonstrably false, then we could say that the argument is not sound. (Recall that an argument is valid if and only if whenever the premises are true so is the conclusion. Validity does not apply to statements.)
Is this person for real? Seriously, based on his/her comments and the comments of those who post here, I cannot imagine someone this ignorant exists. Even for a fundie the ignorance is absolutely astounding.
How many letters is that? Hold on... 15?
Tyrannosarus Rex? And that spelling is wrong too. Hold on....
Shantungosaurus? Thats 15 letters, would work. Hey, did I get it correct?
Technically, birds evolved from dinosaurs with the avian dinosaurs as an evolutionary step.
So, The Bible mentions _animals of the family Avio-something-or-other_
That's easy!
The Bible mentions EVOLUTION.
As the bible (written word of God!) mentions evolution than TOE is biblical truth and should not be refuted by men!
Repent creationists or burn in hell for eternity!
Birds are indeed descended from dinosaurs (dromaeosaurids most likely), but they are not actual dinosaurs.
I more simpler terms: Birds are a sort of dinosaur, but dinosaurs are not birds.
Birds are not avian dinosaurs. Birds are, theoretically, an evolutionary descendant of dinosaurs. Are you admitting that you believe in evolution, AV?
The Bible mentions birds.
Birds are avian dinosaurs.
The Bible mentions EVOLUTION.
Oh, wait. That's not what you wanted, is it?
Edit: damn, beaten to it.
Oh, oh, are we playing six degrees of separation now?
Fundies have two legs
Chimps have two legs
Chimps climb in trees
Raccoons climb trees
Raccoons have a tail
Mice have a tail
Fundies are mice.
Complete the logic.
Complete the what?
Ooh, ooh, I know this one! Umm, The Bible Mentions... THAT IT'S PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN!!!!
The Bible mentions birds.
Birds evolved from avian dinosaurs.
Therefore, the Bible is premised on evolution.
Nice job...hope you're not a Creationist!
AV1611VET only knows one kind of logic, and that is circular
My Dinosaur Challenge
Complete the logic:
The Bible mentions birds.
Birds are avian dinosaurs. [evolved from, but surprising close for an idiot]
The Bible mentions _____BIRDS _____.
Silly prick obviously doesn't realise that Avian comes from Aves either.
Since there's no logic involved, whatthehell... I'll play.
The Bible mentions birds.
Birds are avian dinosaurs.
The Bible mentions Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt.
So, here's my recipe for Roast Salt Chicken:
Take one 3-pound roasting chicken. Liberally (sorry for that word) rub the chicken with a marinade of soy sauce, roasted garlic, freshly ground black pepper...
Complete the logic:
The Bible mentions birds.
Yes, it does...
Genesis 1:20 [5th day] And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky."
Birds are avian dinosaurs. No, birds evolved from dinosaurs...
Genesis 1:24 [6th day] And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.
Complete the logic:
--- OK, we know land creatures (tetrapoda etc) came about 350my before birds.
From above. We can conclude that:
A. God is a filthy, stinking deceitful liar.
B. Genesis and every other claim for the existance of God is a baseless pile of shit!
Wait, so evolution happened then?
Besides, the Bible never mentions cats, let alone dinosaurs.
Wait, so evolution happened then?
Besides, the Bible never mentions cats, let alone dinosaurs.
The Bible mentions birds.
Birds can fly,
The Bible mentions aeroplanes.
hey, fundie logic is useful!
avet = povite
not a real fundie
just a troller.
Abraham committing adultery because God told him to.
Lot's daughters raping him and getting pregnant.
Lot offering his daughter's instead of angels (who he just met) to sodomites
This guy... he has an issue with set theory, does he not? (Actually, a lot of fundies do... go look at some of the Conservapedia mathematics articles at That's still no excuse for confusing a subset of a thing with the thing itself.
Cladistically speaking, birds are indeed avian dinosaurs. You'll see many paleontologists refer to dinosaurs (the extinct ones!) as 'non-avian dinosaurs'. So yes, birds are avian dinosaurs; he got that right at least.
He is entirely correct.
Of course, it is a far, far, FAR more trivial truth than he thinks it is...
"The Bible mentions _______________."
Therefore "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is a documentary.
And, like those Bronze Age goatfuckers who wrote the original fairytale, you're in cloud cuckoo land, AV1611VET.
Here's where your logic crashes & burns: Birds fly, because they have wings; therefore anything else that has wings is of the same 'Kind', Biblically . The Bible mentions Unicorns, as stated above. Question: Is North Korea correct about the pegasus Chollima...?! [/ancient Greece]
Can an Ekranoplan really fly...?!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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