Exactly what rights have you been forced to give up? Bullying and harassing people who don't share your beliefs is not a "right".
Where I live, churches are thriving quite nicely, christians are openly reading their bibles and other literature, praying, and discussing their faith and church activities with other believers at work, school and in coffee shops. And most are doing so on their break times, and in a way that's not stepping on the toes of non-believers. Some may snicker, or turned their noses up at them, but no one tries to stop them.
Oh, and most the different branches of christianity, including Catholics, Mormons, and Anabaptists, are co-existing just fine with the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans and atheists around here. It's not always sunshine and butterflies between them all, but more people actually express interest in other people's faiths than cry about being "persecuted" because they have to live next door to a "mooslimist".
Actually, fundies are probably doing us a favor. It's probably because we have those Westboro idiots living in our back yard that all our different faiths have banded together and formed a united front against them.