ObsidianFalcon #fundie teens-4-christ.org

SingHisPraises has been trying to disrupt a Gay Pride parade:

Well, first of all we were told we weren't allowed to obstruct or disrupt the march route, so we returned to the area where the sodomites were meeting after their walk. We kept being moved by police, and . A riot van, officers everywhere and a dog unit- kind of ridiculous, isn't it? In the end we were even asked to move to the other side of the road and keep away from the actual area! So instead we took it in turns to walk around passing out tracts to people and sitting on benches with people wearing rainbow flags to tell them about how much God loves them but hates what they're doing.

ObsidianFalcon This witnessing opportunity is simply fabulous. Pity the police had to overstep their bounds.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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