Oh you stupid, neglectful, shit for brains, sorry excuse for a mother.
My issue isn't with homeschooling, but even if you homeschool the better programs come with a full curriculum. The secular programs are pretty good, and some even offer a high school diploma.
Your bullshit plan is going to ruin their lives if you continue, and possibly wind up with you in some serious trouble with the school authorities.
What the hell are you going to do when they get in the higher grades?
It can include some pretty advanced subjects like trig, calculus, and psychology when in high school.
The best give a diverse and pretty well rounded education that holds up well when they go to college.
Don't you fucking dare leave those kids to put themselves through homeschool by themselves while you fuck off and sleep you shit for brains idiot. You'll doubly damage them. Proper homeschooling takes being involved, and takes some hard fucking work.
Somehow I doubt you're willing to do that.
I'm afraid for these kids. It's not just the potential for ignorance and indoctration, you have to be really vigiliant about socializing your kids, or they wind up isolated and awkward like I did. It stunts their social and emotional growth quite a bit, and it will fuck with them in later life.