supersport #fundie

Evolutionary science, as we all know, is a fairytale constructed by non-believers, for non-believers. It's a gift of sorts. A demented gift, but a gift. It's the gift of a belief system dreamed up so they can all live happily ever after, safe and secure in their own little world of fantasy -- with no fear of judgment, no fear of right and wrong, no fear of disobedience, no fear of immorality, no fear of eternal damnation. It's the gift of earthly disobedience flanked by the promise of eternal nothingness and non-accountability.

Every piece of evidence, every detail, every artifact must pass through the gate of natural selection, otherwise known as peer review. If a piece of evidence does not fit through the pickets of the gate, it gets discarded, hidden, or recategorized so the general population remains unaware of it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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