New Month, New blog #announcement blog

It's June 1st and the blog's getting a bit of a make over.

It is now publicly accessible, has it's own image and has a new name, Distind Says the Darndest Things. The image is a laughing Father Jack that happened to strike my fancy. If you're reading this and don't know who that is, find a way to watch the linked show. We'll see how the blog being public goes, but so long as the signal to noise ratio stays reasonable it'll stay that way.

If you've been following along already you'll know I owe everyone a mock up of a new public admin interface, but right now I owe myself some freaking sleep that illness has ensured I didn't get. There's an outline together but a visual representation will be better for showing the points I want feedback on.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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