Tell me this, if evolution is posssible, then how come most of today's living chimps and apes will die off before fully developing into human beings? Explain that.
I guess Rawk4Life like the good fairy made us from a wooden puppet theory better than the ToE oops wrong theory of creation it was good fairy though wasn't or was it a god and block of clay no it was dust yeah that it he god napped his omni potent godly fingers and made us form a dust bunnies .Hey who made the fucking dust bunnies , was there a dust bunnies fairy or were thew dust bunnies made from fairy dust ....
Boy are you dumb,zero percent of all of today's chimps will develop into human beings. Which, by interesting coincidence, is exactly the same percent of human beings that will be made out of someone blowing on dust! "Magical transformation" is a Creationist concept.
It doesn't work that way. You see, when the gorilla ass fucked your mother, and had a butthole baby (you), that offspring lost most of the vestiges of it's ape like qualities. It's very subtle.
Aldous Huxley wrote a book, "After Many a Summer Dies the Swan" that put forth the opposite theory: that humans are actually apes that remain in a juvenile state (like the axolotl, a wholly aquatic adult "tadpole" which can be turned into a salamander never seen in nature if injected with hormones). In the story, a rich guy manages to live 200 years by injection of hormones, but in doing so, gradually completes the maturing process and turns into a sort of monkey. Maybe chimps are descendants of Noah's later years ;-)
Apes never evolved into humans. There was a common ancestor, then apes developed one way and humans developed a different way from this ancestor. Besides, apes aren't going to evolve human characterisics without an enviornmental pressure to do so. They're well-adapted to their enviornments enough now that they aren't really evolving - there's no need for them to.
I'm going to say three words, and ask you to repeat them back to me: "Tree, not ladder."
The apes will not become human beings, nor will they give birth to human beings. They might, eventually, give birth to something resembling a human being, but that's mainly a function of the small genetic distance between us and them.
Or, put a different way, why didn't you turn into your cousin, or vice versa?
The proper word, you see, for what Pokemon do is "metamorphosis". The translators screwed up, and screwed up bad.
Because...I mean...have you read ANYTHING on the subject?! Christ, even a pop up book will tell you that's not how it happens. Good lord!
"Tell me this, if evolution is posssible, then how come most of today's living chimps and apes will die off before fully developing into human beings? Explain that."
Tell me this: if creation is possible, then why isn't the film "Spider-Man III" a documentary - specifically Flint Marko, a.k.a. Sandman - if all of today's living humans are descended from a man made of dirt ?
Explain that.
The explanation is that you fail Kindergarten Biology.
The question isn't IF evolution is possible, but HOW we can benefit from knowledge of evolution in many different fields of science, not just Biology.
Chimps are just as fully developed as humans are, and we are BOTH apes.
“Tell me this, if evolution is posssible, then how come most of today's living chimps and apes will die off before fully developing into human beings? Explain that”
Because individuals don’t evolve, Microbrain.
Born a chimp, dies a chimp. Your question is dumber than most of Trump’s election promsies.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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