The holacaust didn't just happen! The Jewies brought it upon themselves.
All you have to do is smell a Nigger and you know why they should DIE!!!
Big lipped fucking porch monkeys.
REMEMBER!!!! The Jews don't accept Jesus so the Damnation is already
written and those niggers worship Satan in the name of Islam.
For further information Contact the White American Coalition on AOL in
the ACLU Area.
This is spam. Racist, bigoted, Nazi spam, but spam nonetheless. What is this world coming to when even spam includes the hate speech of neo-nazis?
You must know Defensor Fidei. Careful...if you invoke him, he might show up! Like Bloody Mary!
Thought #1: this guy is fucking insane.
Thought #2: is this guy mixing up Jews and black people?
Thought #3: yes, I think this guy is mixing up Jews and black people.
Thought #4: I need to wash my eyes and brain now.
Thought #5: thank the FSM, they're saying it's only a troll.
Can we asume fake reports, fake testimonies, fake images, fake figures from the Nazis themselves?, moreover, how many people in the world don´t believe Christ is the Saviour?, more than 60% according to statistics. So, let´s lynch buddists and moslems or Taoists?. And what about M.Luther King?, as far as I am concerned, MINISTER IS NOT A PROMINENT MEMBER OF THE ISLAM SOCIETY.
Typical Cletis post from NANAE:
Yeah fuck discriminate fuck agaisnt fuck people fuck there is nothing about being a nigger or anything fuck above, fuck you allow fuck niggers to fuck vote fuck? fuck I guess the fuck Klan fuck will have to fuck vote fuck I will get the boys fuck togeather fuck so get the fuck ready ok there bitch chitted up whore fuck you gang bang fuck racist
mother fuck whore fuck eat my shit and suck my fuck huge cock you fucked up mother fuck ok fuck fuck fuck.
Troll or not, the fact remains that there are ignorant fools out there who truely believe this crap. And chances are there are a few named Cletis, though they prolly don't know how to operate a computer.
Are we expanding "niggers" to include all dark sinned Islamicists now? But nigger would still include dark skinned non-Islamacists. I'm sorry, I only speak sense, not random babble that gives you a boner.
None of my black family smells bad. Your name is Cletis so I have to assume you think cleanliness is next to Satanicness.
I've never, ever had a porch.
This fellow was up on the alt.usenet.kooks ballot earlier this month for the Golden Urinal Award for stinking up the joint. I voted for someone else because I was pretty sure Cletis was a troll, not a kook. IMHO, he's not a fundie, just an asshole.
This post: FSTDT or RSTDT? You decide.
Cletis? (check one):
[ ] Poe
[ ] Troll
[ ] Subhuman
[ ] All of the above (I mean, 'Cletis'? 'KKK'?! That's about as subtle & inconspicuous as an AH-64 Apache on Centre Court at Wimbledon! Obvious troll is obvious or what?!)
Choose wisely.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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