dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

In response to a member who said "Giving the fetus the same rights as the woman carrying it [was]outrageous and un-America[n]" for the 150 years abortion was illegal in the U.S.:

Can you prove it? Where you there?

Wasn't this country built on Judeo/Christians morals and values?

Didn't the majority of States vote and FIGHT against slavery because they knew it was un-American and Un Christian?

Approving of the sacrifice of unborn children is UN American and UN Christian.

So those who approve of abortion and homosexuality/Gay marriage are UNAMERICAN and UNCHRISTIAN.

They will be the ones who will try to destroy our country from within, as they forget that this country was built on Judeo/Christian morals and values.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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