Muslim culture is such an abject failure that its adherents must act as parasites, going to successful countries to leech off of them (claiming they are fleeing persecution or poverty in their Muslim homelands), drain their resources, prey upon their women and children, and even try to impose their backward way of life on as many others as they can, spreading carcinogenically ever onward.
remind us why your people left the fatherland to rage racism on a new, already occupied country?
And don't say religious freedom, no one who knows history buys that horseshit
Muslim culture is such an abject failure that its adherents must act as parasites, going to successful countries to leech off of them
Here is an adhering parasite, leeching off a successful country...:
...and Hussain Sajwani, CEO of DAMAC Group.
@ Canadiest:
remind us why your people left the fatherland to rage racism on a new, already occupied country?
I doubt most of his people have ever set foot there to begin with.
They romanticise a nightmare time based on the same propaganda that drew in the old NSDAP - but, unlike the Nazis, some of whom had a legitimate reason to be angry about the state of affairs in the Weimar Republic, these guys likely live well; they're not shamed veterans of a war they lost and were (erroneously) blamed for starting. They aren't staring catastrophic unemployment right in the face. They have meat and milk and water and heat and shelter and security and yet they act aggrieved because refugees want the same.
Compared to Weimar-era Germany, Canada is Shangri-La. The US? To a lesser extent, it's like Canada in terms of living standards. What in the actual fuck are these idiots complaining about? Just how common is crime by Muslims qua Muslims when compared to other demographics? (My guess is it's no more common than among anyone else. Let's see some Nazis come try to prove me wrong with actual, factual statistics.)
Your right, the Stormfront are coasters, enjoying the spoils of their great grandparents efforts. They are who I meant by "your people"
In the last couple years about a dozen white supremists and sovereign citizens have been outed as living off inheritance or leeching off of family/welfare, spoiled kids. I suspect Klan/ bike gangs also just have to much time on their hands and feel the need to always belittle or accuse others of their many faults.
The modern day Stormfront is mostly them, that's why their always up for a hate parade followed by trying to eat all the food in the area.
Most of them are brats, who spent their lives getting everything handed to them, and now they rage against society because there are things they can't get and they don't think that's fair. Just like their great leader.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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