The reason God had the people killed, men, women and children....including their animals, was because they were nephilim contaminated.....hybrids. Their bloodline had to end........but actually not all of them were killed. Some escaped...........
God was completely justified in having this done.
Nothing can and should ever justify mass killing of men, women, children and animals.
Can your God not really come up with anything else besides killing off everything he doesn't like? It's getting old.
"The reason God had the people killed, men, women and children....including their animals, was because they were nephilim contaminated.....hybrids. Their bloodline had to end........"
And, yet again, your god's omnipotence comes back to bit you in the ass.
Is your god omnipotent or not? If yes, why couldn't he either magically "poof" them out of existence or, better yet, why did he allow such a thing to happen in the first place? If he's not omnipotent why does the Bible lie to us and tell us he is and why would you call such a being "god"?
"ut actually not all of them were killed. Some escaped..........."
See above.
"God was completely justified in having this done."
Your god is almost never "justified" in anything that he's recorded as having done.
Numbers 10. and 11. are:
10. When one experiment went awry he tried to cover it up by drowning the subjects.
11. When subjects didn't behave as predicted, he deleted them from the sample.
That's not a way normal humans should behave.
So he couldn't just make them all sterile? Allow them to breed but ensure that their offspring turned out 100% human? Altered the hybrids' genetics to make them entirely human?
No, he had to kill them all. Because he had no choice. I mean, it's not as if he's supposed to be omnipotent or anything.
Some escaped ...
Dang! Bible God failed yet again.
Why you worship such an incompetent loser? (Oh, yeah, because you made him in your own image.)
"The reason God had the people killed, men, women and children....including their animals, was because they were nephilim contaminated.....hybrids."
And you know this because...? I mean, it doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible."
"Their bloodline had to end........but actually not all of them were killed. Some escaped..........."
But that means you perfect, omnipotent, omniscient God failed in ending their bloodline.
"God was completely justified in having this done"
Genocide is never justified.
Musical Bookworm: Nephilim are supposed to be angel/human hybrids. You really don't get much detail of them, except in the books of Enoch and Jubilees (which aren't in the usual Old Testament...). For whatever reason, they're supposed to be irrevocably evil and malicious (don't ask me why...). The book of Jubilees even goes so far as to say that the direct reason for the Deluge was to eradicate the nephilim. However, although they could be physically killed because of their human nature, their angel nature allowed them to persist as spirits. In other words, demon=nephil.
The crossbreeding itself, by the way, was regarded as evil. I think it had something to do with humans thinking this a way to circumvent mortality, which they were not supposed to do. It doesn't help that in return, the angels who sided with humanity taught a lot of things they were not supposed to know (and looking at the list from Jubilees, I have to wonder what's left that humans WERE meant to know, besides passive acceptance of fate). Stasis-worship, anyone?
How the fuck do you escape from a worldwide flood? Did they have a fucking rocket ship?
Oh god, I think I just gave them their new explanation for aliens.
First, prove your God exists.
Then, prove that these "Nephilim" exist.
Next, you'll need to prove that they interbred with humans.
Finally, well... no... you can't justify the wholesale slaughter of men women and children, no matter the "reason".
"Their bloodline had to end........but actually not all of them were killed. Some escaped..........."
So God fucked up? He decided he had no choice but to kill them all, but then he couldn't manage it? What was that bit about omnipotence again?
Yo see, this is one of the reasons the Genesis story sucks donkey dick so much.
Gods angels dicde to fly down and hump human females. The offspring were called nephelim (giants). Jehovah decides that he needs to flood the ENTIRE earth because of the Nephelim. He floods the Earth, kills damn near everythink, and later on down the line the nephelim return (can anyone say Goliath?)
So, honestly, can Jehovah get ANYTHING right? Does he have to fuck every single thing up?
Wow, ruotsher, I'm not sure if you need special drugs, or need to be taken off drugs, but something is very wrong.
The reason Hitler had the people killed, men, women and children....including their animals, was because they were Jews.....hybrids. Their bloodline had to end........but actually not all of them were killed. Some escaped...........
Hitler was completely justified in having this done.
WTF is a nephilim? This sounds like some kind of Christian science fiction.
And I just have to say that if God is omniscient, he'd have known that these people & their animals would be contaminated by nephilim, whatever that means.
@Whitenoise: The God-Emperor actually opposed such things he was way awesome when he was alive but the Cult of the Emperor that emerged is where the crazy shit comes from.
Much like how Jesus was great and kind and all but then that crazy cult started all this shit that justified genocide and whatnot.
So, if I claim that god told me that people of a certain race (for example jews) are contaminated by Nephilim,
it is O.K. if I put them in extermination camps and is no atrocity/crime against humanity?
I guess the ones that escaped were the ones in Numbers 13:33. So when the Bible says "all flesh died that moved upon the earth ... and Noah only remained [alive], and they that [were] with him in the ark", that was wrong? I thought the Bible was supposed to be inerrant.
SO let me get this straight. he had to kill them all because of their bloodline...but he failed to actually do so, making his attempts completely pointless?
Either I missed something or you're an idiot (I'm going with the latter)
So perfect God missed a few? And let them get away and re-breed? And didn't even think to mention that they were demon folk to clear His name?
Also, what's up with this inherited evil bs? What happened to free will?
god will be so pleased to know that you think he was justified killing for fun.
- and some escaped, well no-one's perfect, not even god apparently
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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