[Defining "atheist"]
Someone who doesn't believe in God.
Someone I beat the shit out of.
I'm gonna fucking kill that atheist.
@Mike: Sweet Kentucky-Fried Jesus, got enough Christian Love(TM) there?
@madDog: I'm going to guess he's around...11? Unnecessary swearing, over-inflated, aggressive attitude...probably a pre-teen fundynut who talks like a bad action movie hero an a vain attempt to sound over 20.
"I wonder how old this brat is. Wouldn't suprise me if he only talks tough on the internet."
Definintely pre-pubescent. I've heard this type on Ventrilo/teamspeak channels before. They sound like shrieking parrots with tourettes when they get upset. Can't be more than 4 feet tall, and his mother would wash his mouth out with soap if she heard him talking like that.
Alright! Way to sell that Christianity, Mike.
You know, Mike, hundreds of years of horrific Church violence has shown that one can't force someone else to believe something they don't believe.
This one's good:
An aggresive idiot who simply refuses to reason with people.
The only evolution that occured is that when Atheists die, they evolve into dust.
Atheist: Darwin was right, although his book was riddled with pointless and contradicting theories.
Believer: Shutup u dumb atheist
Christ, this page is just full of this shit. Like this one for instance:
>>They say they don't believe in any god or gods or deities and then obsessively whine,piss and moan,bitch and deride Christ and Christians and their bible.<<
Pissed, moaned and bitched the man on Urban Dictionary.
>>To be that obsessed with Christians and their God and bible makes you stupid atheists a HATE GROUP!<<
Uh-huh, why not go the full mile and compare us to the Nazis?
>>You are CRAZY to sit here and spend all of your time obsessing over a God which you claim doesn't even exist in the first place.And the fact that you have singled out Christians proves that you are a HATE GROUP!<<
Does this man honestly not see the hypocricy in this entry?
>>You are Satanists and Antichrists but don't even know it.<<
This really stoped being a definition a few paragraphs ago and devolved into "Whiney Idiot Theatre"
>>Never once in have I ever heard one of you ridiculous FAGZ whine,piss or moan about Wicca,Hinduism,Buddhism,I slam or New Age mumbo jumbo!<<
You haven't been around many atheists then
FUCK OFF you fuckin SATANIC dickholes!!!<<
Lot of hate from such a little man.
It looks like immature atheists haven't spammed the definition of Christian quite as much. It's just too bad we can't get much out of that fact because of population sizes.
Of course, liberal seems to get some of the worst of it. Look at the votes on the 2nd and 3rd pages! Apparently "liberal" means "against liberty." You learn something new every day.
>>Never once in have I ever heard one of you ridiculous FAGZ whine,piss or moan about Wicca,Hinduism,Buddhism,I slam or New Age mumbo jumbo!<<
You haven't been around many atheists then This may be true, but by the same token, I don't know of any large-scale Wicca, Buddhist, or Hindu movements in the US that are trying to teach their dogmas in schools and codify them as law.
"Christians are the unbelievers who deny the one true religion, Islam. This despite the fact that they may be able to point out when and how the universe was created, but are unable to state WHY. The Pope himself made this point. Despite so much being unknown about what reality actually is, how it came into being, how colours, morality, love, the fabric of space and time 'happened', they consider themselves smarter than any true faith bearing person, and pretty much anyone else they happen across. The one true god, Allah, hates the Christians, despite what they may think. Ironically, they are usually more militant about their false belief than faith bearing people are about their true faith.
The Christians are this way for two reasons:
1) They have not been told the truth that Allah sent his Prophet, Muhammad(Police Be Upon Him), to all the peoples of the Earth to spread the true religion. They do not know yet that there has been a holy message in order to lift their sins from them and that they can be REWARDED eternally if they simply open their hearts to Allah.
2) They are aware of the truth regarding Islam and Allah but are simply too afraid of how to go about "becoming" a Muslim or what people will think of them if they do that they brush off religion as "unproven" and prefer to justify every teeny tiny amazing aspect of beauty on this planet as a work of "Jesus", the Mexican son of a dirty whore, and pretend to feel content.
There is absolutely NOTHING that can fill the emptiness of the human soul completely except for Allah. DO NOT settle for being a Christian when there is something truly so much better out there."
I took this from a few of the definitions for atheist. I changed a few words around and then submitted it as a definition for christian. It didn't go through. :D
All right, Mike, it's a fight you want, then? C'mon wimp! If you want to fight me, come and fight me. I can do it any time. C'mon, come around to my house, climb the fence, and let's go! You can even bring any weapon you want. My address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.
yep, following in the good Xian tradition of oppressing, brutalising, and killing non-Xians, or Xians not of there sect, or Xians not of their colour.....
One thing it isn;t about is Xian love, despite the inquisition saying they were doing it to save soals.
This stain can't even make that excuse, so visceral is his hatred
So this Mike wants to kill atheists, and then when he does, the Christian right blames that by taking God out of schools, we caused this.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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