Hey, I found the comment about what's wrong with him.
Do you really want to know what's wrong with me?
I have a disease. It isn’t a contagious disease. It is a disease affects my muscles. We first found out about it when I was a little kid. I had to had surgery on my right foot I was in 2nd grade. This disease can progress quickly or slowly. I have a slow progressing kind. Later on, the disease made my back forward. The curve of a normal back is 20-40 degrees. My back got to 81 degrees and the doctor told us that I had to have a back surgery called Spinal Fusion. In this surgery the doctor had to takes some tiny bones from my pelvis arena and put them between the bone that makes the spine or the vertebrae. They did grew together. This growing together is called Fusion. To help support my back while the bones were fusing., the surgeon puts rods along the spine. This keeps the bones straight. Right after my surgery, I was fitted with a special brace that was mad just for me. They made a mold of my upper body so the brace could fitted perfectly. I had to wear this brace for weeks. At first I’d had to wear it day and night. Then I got to take it off only to sleep. Finally, I got to take it off for good. That was a great feeling. While I had this brace on, I could wear a cotton T-shirt under it. This T-shirt had to be changed without taking off the brace. This was kinda tricky. My mom sewed holes in the bottom of the T-shirts and then we put long shoelaces in them. My Mom and My Dad loosen the shoulder straps of the brace. Then, I would put T-shirt over my head and we would put the shoelaces in those holes and pull them down under the brace. Sometimes this took a little while. This surgery was very painful. I was in the hospital for a week for the first few days I had a machine that would give me medicine for pain when I pushed the button. I pushed the button every time I could. Several times a day, I had to be turned over in what it called Striker Bed. The nurses would strap a mattress pad over me and turn me over until the it snapped in place. This was very uncomfortable and I didn’t like it. I had to stay over for about a hour. The nurses and doctors tried their best to keep me comfortable as possible. When I got home, I had an infection and had to stay in a hospital bed in my living room. Since I couldn’t get out, many of my friends came to see me.
I had surgical Procedure called a TRIPLE ARTHRODESIS. Because of a neurological disease, my right fool had to sort of curve into a “C” shape. This did not hurt, although it made me walk with a little bit of a limp and made it hard for me to run. My Doctor said he fix this problem by adjusting the joints in my right foot. This is called an Arthrodesis. I had to be fixed; the subtalar, calcaneocuboid, and the talonavicular joints. The doctor made incisions, then went into my foot and pulled the apart at the points until they were shaped to the way they should be. He used staples in the joints to hold the them in place. This would never come out. If everything goes the way as it should. The bones would fuse together in the shape of th surgeon place them. They have to be position carefully . I was in surgery for about 3 hours and I had to stay in the hospital until the next afternoon. I had to wear a cast up over my right knee. The doctors told me that I have to keep my foot elevated so that it would be above my heart. This would help keep the swelling down. When I had to walk, I had to use a walker. This made it harder use stairs, especially if there were more than one or two at a time. A walker can’t be use to on multiple stairs, so I missed a lot of school.
Apraxia is a neurological disorder which results in a perosn having a hard time with normal speech functions. It also causes problems with the motor learning for speech. That just means the a person with apraxia has trouble with the muscles that are use for speech. People with apraxia often leave out some language sounds and cannot make some correctly. The problem increases when the words and sentencs are longer sound to another is a real challenge. Phonics are difficult. Because of all of these different symptoms or apraxia, doctors are sometimes confused and do not recognize apraxia in some kids. I was told I had apraxia when I was 4 years older. I went to Children’s Hospital and they did some speech test on me. I went to speech therapy three times a week for five years. This is why my parents held me back from going to kindergarten when I was 6. If I didn’t have this problem I would’ve been in the Class of 2003. If I hadn’t had this problem. I think I’ll never met my friends.
In the year of 2005. My Mom and myself got into a 4 car cash.
Take from that what you will.