[This is part of a response to someone who wrote in about their chronic depression.
Depression argues that you’re a worthless, hopeless scum in whom nobody would ever take interest. So agree with it. Tell it back, “You’re absolutely right. I’m even less than that. I was created with a purpose that I have not lived up to. I’ve messed up again and again. And yet, nevertheless, I have a G-d who has put up with me despite all my failures, who continues to ask me to be His agent in His world, eagerly awaiting my mitzvahs, looking forward to me sharing my concerns with Him three times a day. My purpose still lies before me, and whatever of it I can fulfill, even for a moment, is worth more than all the pleasures of the Garden of Eden.”
Not a good replacement for therapy and drugs to treat chronic depression, but on the whole the idea "stop thinking about yourself so much and think about what you can do for other people instead" is a good one. I've found it helpful myself. Also, at least it's better than "daily affirmations" and telling yourself what a great person you are.
It's like getting a pep talk from Darren Lamb.
Also, we really should start handing out some sort of vulture award on this site:
@ #1588705
So saying to oneself, "I'm garbage, but the deity my pastor tells me about loves me anyway" is supposed to be encouraging?!? No, just no! This is not encouragement! This is abuse made to look pretty with a fresh coating of god!
Speaking as someone who has struggled with depression for years, this kind of crap is NOT helpful to anyone except clergy who want to make their flock desperately dependent on them to tell them more about how much god loves them, even though they are worthless scum. Notice how the "good" rabbi barely mentions medical intervention, psychological help or improved physical fitness. Want to know why? Because there's no percentage to the clergy if a person goes that route, even though research has shown again and again that that is what helps.
Thinking "I am a piece of shit and I should only be happy because God loves me anyway, despite all my shittyness" isn't going to help someone's chronic depression. Honestly, that just sounds psychotic.
Religious leaders should not dispense medical advice as they are not doctors.
"Depression argues that you’re a worthless, hopeless scum in whom nobody would ever take interest."
But my God delusions make me feel better.
So you're saying that God is a worthless, hopeless scum and we're made in His image? If He wants me to be His agent, then I should imitate the lazy schlemiel and delegate the job to someone else? Is that the purpose I haven't lived up to?
Do you guys ever listen to yourself when you're bullshitting?
"eagerly awaiting my mitzvahs, looking forward to me sharing my concerns with Him three times a day."
Well he told me that you're really boring and that he's just humoring you.
So agree with it.
Nice... how to ensure that your depression will simply get worse.
And yet, nevertheless, I have a G-d who has put up with me despite all my failures
Naw... he's given up on everyone. Either he sent Jesus and then said "fuck it, that's your only chance"... or, he just simply gave up over 2,000 years ago. (or he sent Mohammed about 1,400 years ago, THEN gave up... just covering the major 3 religions we get here)
As someone who has suffered from depression, I would be willing to agree that doing mitzvahs and reaching out to help others in need can be incredibly therapeutic and help relieve the symptoms by making you feel good about yourself. However, almost all of the rest of this is bullshit and you're not actually going to get better until you seek professional psychological and medical help.
I know I narrowly avoided getting to such a low point that I wanted to die by telling myself that my reason and mission in life was still ahead of me and that it was something to live for. And I got great self esteem boosts that helped me keep moving by doing a lot of volunteering. So on those points I will give Freeman credit. The rest, however will do nothing for you but make you worse and make you avoid addressing the real problem. No imaginary God or dogmatic religious traditions will get you the help you really need if you're suffering from depression, and neither will telling yourself that you're worthless obviously.
Depression Christianity argues that you’re a worthless, hopeless scum in whom nobody would ever take interest. Except, maybe, to damn you to hell forever and ever amen . So agree with it.
Another "Rub someone's misfortunes in their face" freak.
What gets me is how blatant & in your face they are about it. You'd think they'd try to sugar-coat it or be easy about it, but nooooooo....
I think fundies are simply power-hungry sociopaths who get boners over human suffering & destruction.
They worship guns, love violence, love oppressing others! They RELISH the stink of smog & toxic chemical filth. They ADORE the sight of blood & death and masturbate to the image of starving children & homeless people!
Fundamentalism is the disgusting filth from the anus of evil!
Rabbi Evilman can rape himself with a torah pointer!
When someone is depressed, suffering, suicidal, dying from cancer....YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO COMFORT THEM & LIFT THEM UP!!!
As someone who is just starting to understand depression intimately, all I can say is "Fuck. You."
I'll admit it. Sometimes I'll try to tell myself I'm worthless in an attempt to mentally deny myself emotions. Which works. Briefly. But it's a band-aid at best that only makes it worse in the long run.
But you! You are a despicable human being to prey on emotionally vulnerable people, possibly damaging them all the more in the process. Will you stop if you cause a suicide? No, somehow I doubt it. More blood for the blood god...
I've had family members who dealt with depression. The whole "that's right, you're worthless" bit only makes it worse. It doesn't encourage anything but eventual suicide, and people like Rabbi Freeman know that... and they don't care.
Just... just stop. You're not even an entertaining troll. You're just kind of a mild nuisance.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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