Hobby Lobby still support Viagra and vasectomies, don't they?
Don't they also invest in companies that make contraceptives? They can earn money on them, but women can't benefit from them?
What fooling around are you talking about? If you fool around, you use condoms. Contraceptive pills, IUD's and implants are probably mostly used within steady relationships and marriages, by people who think that every child born ought to have the right to be expected and wanted, to not be just another inevitable nuisance. Thousands upon thousands of women use contraceptive pills to cure disfiguring acne, hemorrhaging periods, erratic periods, constant periods etc, etc, etc.
In the end, Hobby Lobby will pay for their war on women, when more of their employees are on maternity leave, or have to call in sick due to their former-pill-treated conditions stopping them from going to work. They will also lose company credibility, and millions of people in Europe, who've hardly heard of Hobby Lobby before, now know that they are firmly against equal rights. We still don't know what H.L. do, but we do know that they hate women.
As far as I understand it, there never were any abortion pills included in the first place.
It's a good thing for Hobby Lobby that no women are interested in arts and crafts, that only ruggedly manly-men use their glittering, sticky products, right?