Nov. 20, 2010
Letter From the Future
To the Resistance:
I'm writing this letter from prison, where I've been since the beginning of 2010. Since Hillary was elected in '08, Christian persecution in America has gotten even worse than we predicted.
[this is only the tip of the iceberg... ]
Do you know, this whingeing about Christians being persecuted in America should really have a happy ending - Christians and their spawn being given that which they most desire, viz utter and complete annihilation in the maws of lions and tigers in the local Colosseum. I can just see the scoreboard:
Leonibus - XXIII
Christianis - Nihil
Listen, Whingebitch, you are really asking for it, if it does come. Persecution my arse! The nearest you are likely to get to it is by being hit over the head by the pie chart here. Try getting inside the mind of a young gay man or woman trying to live in the kind of society that you and your self-righteous ilk have set up and ENJOY. You have no idea what persecution or suffering are until you gain that understanding. So, STFU.
BTW, if they ever do resume throwing Christians to lions, please can I have a ticket. I want to make sure that there is no cruelty involved - to felines! Let the Games begin! ROTFLMAO
Tiny Bulcher: "Pie-chart, please!"
image -> Funny Images For Online Use -> Flame and Burn -> page 3
Brian X: "Oy vey, this woman sucks... these people suck. The scary thought is that it looks like Huckabee has a decent chance. We've still got about a month and a half though..."
I'm under the impression that this only means that the Republicans, as a political party, have no chance of survival in the long term. If Huckabee gets to be their candidate, the GOP will completely fall into the hands of the religious right and sink into oblivion while the Democrats either split into two parties or a new conservative party is founded by disappointed Republicans. And if Giuliani becomes the GOP candidate, their religious leaders might stick to their words and secede. In both cases, there would be two conservative parties instead of one.
Someone is a few fries short of a happy meal.
Roos loose in the top paddock.
And proof that it takes nuts as well as bolts to keep the world together, and I know which category you fit into.
Life must suck for you guys. To be persecuted so. Unable to tell your family how you really feel, always hiding, feeling guilty when you read the Bible. Not like the Gays, always rubbing it in your faces with their "basic human rights" and "equal treatment under the law".
I hope you understand what a disappointment you are to your God.
whatever she's on is good stuff.
The delusion is complete - the liberals want to destroy the US and ban God, Christ, and Xians. For no reason.
Listen bitch - if what you're talking about is the equivalent of what we have here (UK) it's intended to firstly keep your sticky beaks out of other people's lives, and secondly treat everyone with respect and dignity, and if you trade, to not discriminate.
If you substitute "black" for "gay" it usually gives you some guidance on how to behave in polite company
Ri-i-ght. Persecution has gotten really bad, but you have access to e-mail and a time machine?
Well, that's what you get for leaving the takeover to the bleeding heart liberals I guess.
Well ok, the regime might have some persecution problems, but in fairness to her, within two years of taking office we have finally achieved time travel.
I know who I'm voting for.
1 Christians are the majority of the US population
2 Hillary Clinton is a Christian
3 Your paranoia would be more interesting if it were plausible
This reminds me of Stormfront. "White people are oppressed cuz we no longer get to keep them blacks as slaves."
Two suggestions, Janet Fooldger:
(1) Don't slack off on your meds.
(2) Try to come up with something original. Your amazing insights that come straight out of a manual of form paragraphs don't impress us.
Where does Foldger get the idea that Hillary is anti-Christian? She must be using one of those strange fundie definitions of "Christian" - the Jack Chick definition that only includes holier-than-thou I.F. Baptists who hate gays, immigrants, Democrats, Catholics and anyone else who doesn't buy his rabid "anti-everyone not exactly like me" theology.
To the Resistance:
"God has smiled apon you, this day..
The fate of a nation in your hands..
And Blessed be the Children, we..
Who’ll fight with all our Bravery..
till only the righteous stand.
You’ll see the distant flames, they bellow in the night
You’ll fight in all our names, for what we know is right
And when you all get shot, and cannot carry on
Though you die, La Resistance lives on.
You may get stabbed in the head, with a dagger or a sword
You may be burned to death, or skinned alive, or worse!
But when they torture you, you will not feel the need to run
For though you die, La Resistance lives on."
I suspect this is the same Janet Foldger from the creationist video on YouTube, who says evolution is a belief of a "minor fringe" of scientists, and use Kent Hovind as an example of scientist who disagree with it?
Yama the Space Fish
This reminds me of Stormfront. "White people are oppressed cuz we no longer get to keep them blacks as slaves."
You think that is the extent of stormfront bullsit? They see non-white people hired for jobs- conspiracy. They see black people at the front of buses- persecution. They see actuall history- lies.
Take the worst, most mindboggelingly stupid fundies possible with the most cynical, mainpulative, reality-denying preacher imaginable cross it with your average suicidal Republican votes, voting themselves into the gutter, add some bullshit 'race war' wet dreams about the black people rising up and defeating the largest nation in the world (somehow impregnable to nuclear missile fire) but being defeated by gunfire from a bunch of fat, middle age gun nuts, and then multiply it by 50 on every section of life, from beauty contests, to politics, to driving the car, to movies and you do not have how crazy stormfront is.
Stormfront is the pinacle of idiocy. It is the best argument for capital punishment for hate speech ever.
Someone's always being persecuted in society. It's ironic that it's the Christians' turn.
Kind of sad to see the pigs on their hind legs out of the left again, though.
Michelangelo Signorile (gay author/blogger/talk show host) has had plenty of fun with Janet's wingnuttery.
And the theme music for Faith2action sounds too much like Nazi parade music. (I know, I know - Godwin!)
I just read the whole article. I'm not entirely convinced that it's not a parody, but I think that's more denial than anything else.
Janet, take your goddamned meds and get off the computer.
Ah, come on Jojo, no need to hide it any longer! We've known since your fisrt post your gay and desperately afraid of it. :P
We would appreicate it if you would deal with this self-denial in a less......agressive manner though.
Oh, I was hoping this would be Kent predicting his own imprisonment.
Silly me, Kent's never right.
I don't think Bill Clinton ever tried to legislate any kind of morality. The closest he came was "Don't ask, don't tell" which was a solid concession to how irrational you yahoos are. I've never seen one indication that Hillary has an anti-Christian sentiment, let alone a practicing bias.
Bush, on the other hand, has tried to turn federal government into a funnel for various Christian charities and not-so charities. So STFU, turn off Storytime with John Gibson and stop projecting what you would do onto people you hate without knowing why.
Also, Hillary was morphed by Satan into a marxist, communist, socialist, muslim nigger.
Hillary wasn't elected in '08. Christian persecution hasn't been worse than when Mr Hillary was in charge over-there. The tips of the icebergs are melting into the Atlantic. Soon New York will be under-water.
Oh, it's WingNutDaily? Never mind...
"Wahhh, I can't burn queers and lynch negroes anymore! I'm being persecuted!"
Shut the fuck up, you self-righteous cunt. You don't know what persecution IS.
"Nov. 20, 2010
Letter From the Future
To the Resistance:"
PROTIP: The "2000 AD" comic story "Strontium Dog"* is not a non-fiction scenario.
"I'm writing this letter from prison, where I've been since the beginning of 2010. Since Hillary was elected in '08, Christian persecution in America has gotten even worse than we predicted.
[this is only the tip of the iceberg... ]"
Stop it, you're turning me on. >:D
*- In this Sci-Fi comic scenario, whenever intergalactic/dimensional bounty hunters Johnny Alpha & Wulf Sternhammer were threatened with being potentially jailed, Alpha would write a quick note, concerning their circumstances, temporal segment and/or location/dimensional co-ordinates, then give said note - with payment - to a lawyer/other trusted person, who would place it in his safe, to be later delivered to Alpha & Sternhammer's bosses at the Search/Destroy Agency (a.k.a. 'The Doghouse'), who would then temporally/dimensionally transport them out of jail back to their HQ
Hello, 2012 here, nothing has happened, hello ?
must be a different timeline ;)
Oh look, another crappy would-be writer who thinks they automatically become talented when they write about be persecuted for Jesus. We haven't seen one of those in, oh, five minutes now.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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