Reason is not the enemy of faith unless your "reasoning" conflicts with the Word of God. God is always right.
If your "god" is always right then would you care to explain the parts in the so called "word of god" that are demonstrably false and in so case even contradicted in the same book?
Frankly in order for a person to be an athiest he has to set reasoning aside and accept it in faith.
No one needs "faith" to not believe something. Do you believe is Zeus, Thor , or Krishna? Is it an act of faith to not believe in them? Atheism isn't a positive position, it makes no claims about the existence of anything, it is simply a label used to identify a persons lack of belief in any god or gods.
Athiests reject the laws of thermodynamics.
No they don't. Atheism has fuck all to do with the laws of thermodynamics, or any other subject other than the lack of belief in a god.
The laws of thermodynamics make it clear that someting can't just pop into existance from absolute nothing with absolutely no cause yet atheists claim that this is the way the universe came into being
Atheism has no position on how the universe came into existence. I can only assume you are refering to people who accept the big bang theory (which not all atheist do, a fact you would know if you had actually bothered to find out what atheism is and what atheist do or do not believe rather than parroting propaganda that has no basis in truth.), If you had bother to find out what the big bang theory claims you would also know that it does not make any claims of "something popping into existence from nothing", in fact it's quite the opposite of that.
Athiests also claim inanimate matter just began to live even though this has never been observed in a laboratory
Once again you make claims on the behalf of atheists that have nothing to do with atheism and are not claimed or believed by all atheists. For someone who claims that their "god" is always right you don't seem to care about obeying it's commands to not lie or bear false witness, do you?