Lou, please see the comment I left above for sissco. In case you don't want to search for it, here it is:-
<The problem with you fundies is that you seem emotionally tied to hatred and stupidity. Obviously, that's the way you've been raised. Of course, it's a vicious circle because when you have children you'll raise them to be as hateful and as stupid, if not stupider, than you.
It's like finding a very primitive tribe but they have access to modern sewage systems, modern dental and medical systems, a ready supply of food and drink, plentiful educational material at their disposal as well as schools for their children. So, finding yourselves in the middle of such a benign environment you thrive very easily but without taking advantage of the situation to better your lives and those of your children and particularly those of future generations.
There must be some sort of cognitive dissonance going on with fundiedom as a whole. Fundies also seem to have the lazy man's view of life. It's as though they have said to themselves, "Ok. We're stupid, but we don't care we'll show them normal people, we'll be even stupider, we won't bother to learn anything. So there. Stuff your smart-asses."
Really, your cutting your own noses off to spite your own faces.
You pay attention to a bunch of pastors who have grown up in this same system of increasing stupidity, so that it becomes like the blind leading the blind.
My advice to any of you with any trace of individuality, humanity, or common sense left in you is to either move away or bravely to confront the conditions that you find yourselves in and to try by any means to better your minds. Not easy, I know. But you'll have the support of good people everywhere.>
I don't know how old you are but good luck anyway should you attempt this difficult course of action.