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[Women Who Dress Non-Biblically]
In Biblical Times, if a man came to town looking for a harlot, she could be easily spotted by her attire.
Go to a department store that has both men and women clothes. Women clothes outnumber men by as much 10 to 1, if not greater.
Go to the mall and you will pass be 10 or more women only clothing stores, before you find men only clothing store.
These are just everyday examples that clothes are more important to women that looking upon a man in the same manner as a man looks upon a woman.
The Britney Spears, J-Lo, Destiny Child... attire is just a prominent in the Church as it is in the world and it is unbiblical, because there is no way anyone can say that it is modest.
We are all called upon to not be stumbling blocks to one another, but women just dress any way they want and feel, think, act as if they have no responsibility.
For a woman to dress immodest and to ignore the responsibility of not being a stumbling block is Christian irresponsibility.
Thus the reason why promiscuity, immorality is no different in the church, than in the world.
Is this legalism or is this Christian love?
Is it only legalism if you feel forced?
It is Christian love when you care that your body will be used by Satan to cause you brother in Christ to stumble/to fall.