Jonathan Wetsel #fundie

[Regarding the scientific theory of evolution]

I'm trying to help you guys to understand that what you believe is a fairy tale just like the three stories I posted. Your theory is not only religious, it is not only un-scientific, it is ANTI-scientific! You have no choice but to believe what has been disproven CENTURIES ago! Why? I think it's because you don't want to admit there is a God because if you do, you might have to follow some rules. "Thou shalt not. . ." Oh no! We don't like that idea! I know! Let's just all bury our heads in the sand and buy into this theory that Darwin (who wasn't even a scientist) proposed 150 years ago for which he had NO PROOF whatsoever!

Great idea!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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