Angry Harry, though universally admired as the father of MRA (men’s rights activism), would not be allowed to comment in most modern father’s rights MRA sites, like avoiceformen or r/mensrights. It reminds me of the joke where the bishop calls police to arrest Jesus who dared to show up in a church.
We expect it will be only a matter of time, until A Voice For Men disavows any links and relations to Angry Harry. We also would not be surprised if they support increasing the age of consent to 21 and then ban anyone who would support impunity for sex with 20 year old women.
Human-Stupidity certainly fully agrees with AngryHarry on these issues. We bemoan the fact that modern men’s rights has sold out many of men’s rights issues to feminists. Especially the child sex trauma myth has been totally accepted and assimilated by most MRA, has become the unassailable bedrock foundation of all feminist sex hysteria.
Critics of contemporary Feminism who see it as being too one-sided distance themselves from misogynists who use criticism of Feminism as a cover for their bigotry? Sounds good for me.
Of course, I fear it is just a case of "I am too insane and bigotted even for other insane bigots!"
...or is the creeping realisation setting in that you're nothing but subhuman paedo nonces, and you'll never get anywhere against the Dominant Paradigm?
But then, just ask the likes of Gary Glitter, Max Clifford & Rolf Harris: and they had power in the media, no less. Particularly how Clifford effectively controlled the mighty tabloid press.
He doesn't even have a website to his name, nowadays. Certainly never have any kind of business again, after he's out of jail. Like he - once being a P.R. guru - MRAs spin thyselves .
Angry Harry is an MRA, though there are other older ones. If he's not allowed to comment on certain MRA sites it's because he fell out with the owners.
MRAs fall out with each other frequently, as do their female equivalents, the man-hating wing of feminism. It's quite common among extremists of all stripes.
I love seeing odious parasites eating their own. It gives me the warm fuzziness when terrible people are ripped up by the zealots they made. I reference The Handmaid's Tale a lot, so I'll do a song this time. "Riding a Tiger" by Echo's Children.
"The curs who have fawned at your fingers/ will tear out your throat if you drop."
"The fields you have sown with betrayal/ and watered with innocents' tears,/ that falsehood has fenced and defended/ by the ruin of lives and careers/ are choked with the fruits of your labors./ How will you harvest your crop?"
"Human-Stupidity certainly fully agrees with AngryHarry on these issues. We bemoan the fact that modern men’s rights has sold out many of men’s rights issues to feminists. Especially the child sex trauma myth has been totally accepted and assimilated by most MRA, has become the unassailable bedrock foundation of all feminist sex hysteria. "
Or maybe. Maybe they realized that in order to make any headway in bringing light to genuine injustices faced by men and boys they had to NOT SUPPORT INJUSTICE AGAINST CHILDREN.
Fundie Fight!
Feminists (in general) like sex. We just want it to be on equal terms, to be about S-E-X, not about power, or forcing women to be incubators, or praising men for having it while shaming women for doing the same.
The sex hysteria lies firmly in the patriarchy "basket", I'd say.
What enormous lengths you guys go to, when you could just shorten your whole policy to "I wanna fuck little girls". You want to have the legal "right" to do that, but you want to take rights away from young girls by so doing. Look in the mirror: whatever your age now, there is still a nasty old man looking back at you, one of those ones who drool incoherently at the edge of the playground and slink away furtively when an adult approaches. Now go home. Alone. Again.
Angry Harry is universally admired? I doubt 99% of people on the street have any recollection as to who he is. Don't let your naval gazing distract you from how grim reality is for the MRA community, because outside your echo chamber few care about your arguments, your grievances and infighting.
I don't know who this Harry guy is or why he's so darn angry but YOU are a meathead!
I also love seeing a house divided when it's a house dedicated to hate and tyranny. Seeing Male Supremacists, The GOP and others at each others' throats gives me the warm fuzzies....
....(PICTURED: Warm Fuzzies)
Oh; The name of that blog is very appropriate.
Eeeeeeeee! Kitten and bunny! Eeeee!
Ahem... as I said, eeeeee! Grown men have every right to squeal over the adorable.
Lemme check something
*Dirty Harry
*Harry Houdini
*Harry Truman
*Prince Harry Windsor
*Harry Belafonte
*Harry Potter
Not seeing Angry Harry.
BTW, here are your rights.
Universally admired?
Not this universe, bub.
Prince Harry Hewitt
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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