Cub scouts, scouting organizations, demolays and masonic organization's ritualism and symbolism all go back to Nimrod. It all leads to the satanic: It is a well known fact that many teachers are practicing witches. One boy from a southern state (he was a high school English teacher) said the head of the teacher training program in that state was the head witch in that state.
Teachers who are witches, usually go to school to learn how to interweave witchcraft into the teaching program without being suspected by the community. Witchcraft is taught in school by the promotion of folklore, study of demons, and study of demonology. The building up of witchcraft as good and white magic as good is commonly taught. The students are always told that witchcraft, the way he's using it, or she's using it is for good. This is a lie of satan because all witchcraft, black magic, white magic, or white or black witchcraft is all bad. In one school the teacher had put a curse on his pupils of "death and hell". The only way to stop this is for it to be broken by overcomers by the power that Jesus Christ has given us.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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