Nonsense. Equality between the genders is a fantasy. They are NOT equal but rather necessary complements. And to pretend that staying home with children and playing games and the like is 'oppression' ... Go and do some coal mining ... Or Quarry Work. Oppression my Pink Backside.
if you think that staying at home moms are only "playing games", why don't you do it?
beside, when did YOU ever did some coal mining Or Quarry Work? those things are done by machinery, and women are perfectly capable to do them.
coal mining and quarrying are both of them honest lines of work, and necessary in their own way, but they're both pretty marginal professions, nowadays. certainly nowhere near as commonplace, or as necessary to the continuation of society, as childcare is.
@Hasan: pretty pic, but a blatant photo shoot. if they were actually doing that job, they should be wearing protective footwear at very least.
It's not the 'staying home with the kids' bit that is oppressing, but the desire to remove the choice of whether to do so or have a career that oppresses.
Imagine you were thought of as only good for two things: fucking and raising babies. Now imagine that you want to do something else but are repeatedly told you are less capable, less valuable, less worthy - because you are a man. Then imagine that you find yourself stuck at home regardless because you are a man and don't deserve to flex your own will, because women are smarter, stronger, and always know what's best for you.
And because you're essentially your wife's property you not only have to obey her every command, you have to fuck her on demand and you have to watch your smart mouth because she won't be shy about beating your ass for any sign of disrespect. Don't even think about calling the cops, either. It's her word against yours and we all know how that works. If she beats you until you die, you must have been asking for it with your smart bitch mouth or stupid bitch actions.
That'd suck, wouldn't it? Think about just how much it would suck to be in the situation you would have every woman tethered to if it were up to you.
Empathy, dickhead. Develop some or shut the fuck up.
@ KittyKaboom
The empathy fundies have (if any) is very twisted. His response would be somewhere along the lines of: "If I was in that situation - yeah, that would absolutely suck. I would actually feel rather meaningless and even depressed if I was a woman in such a scenario. But you know what? I am NOT a woman, nor am I in such a scenario. So shut-up and get back into the kitchen."
"And to pretend that staying home with children and playing games and the like is 'oppression'..."
Contrary to what the RadFems may shriek on a regular basis, there's nothing oppressive about choosing to be what's now known as a homemaker. What is oppressive is women being effectively forced to be homemakers due to the vast majority of other jobs being denied her simply because she's female.
"Go and do some coal mining ..."
My mother (who is 5 feet/153 cm. tall with shoes on) worked for quite a few years at one of the local coal mines, mostly driving the big-ass trucks that haul it around. (Before you even try going there: no, she is not even remotely homosexual.)
Your move, johnny-boy.
Been there, done that, I'm afraid. 1979:
(Source )
'Equality between the genders is a fantasy' indeed. For the above had more balls than you will ever possess. >:D
The above prove that the only difference is Chromosomal . NEXT!
Playing games?
No. After getting no sleep because she was up all night feeding/quieting YOUR crying baby or a sick kid, she then spends her day washing your shit-stained underwear along with everyone else's clothes and bedding, preparing meals and snacks, cleaning, wiping noses, chauffeuring to school, ballet and soccer, grocery shopping, then racing home to have your dinner on the table. Then she spends all evening doing dishes and attending to homework, baths and bedtime for your kids, while you put your feet up in front of the TV because you think you're the only one who worked all day.
Meanwhile, the workday that she began at the crack of dawn is still going at midnight, and she's just hoping that she can get a few hours of sleep before one of the kids wakes up, because she knows you'd never get up for them. Because, after all, you have to work all day while she's "playing games".
Coal mining and quarry work isn't oppression, as long as the workers are paid a fair wage with fair benefits (medical especially) for what they do. Interestingly, it isn't a just a man's job and women have worked in the coal fields before in both the old days and modern times.
Equality between the genders is a fantasy. They are NOT equal but rather necessary complements
True, but there isn't any reason women can't or shouldn't be equal to men socially and not allowed all the choices and possibilities for their lives which men are.
And to pretend that staying home with children and playing games and the like is 'oppression'
You gotta wonder why that job is so associated with women...maybe because it was such an awful job men just cast it on women from earliest times. For that matter, there is no reason a man shouldn't or can't be homemaker either.
This is pretty much mainstream right-wing thought. It's still idiotic.
And you seem to think that women are just staying home playing games. Those who care for children don't have specific working hours and may have to work any time during the day, night included. That's pretty difficult.
My youngest had a stomach bug yesterday. She spent a decent portion of the day trying to find new and creative ways to puke on me. I've washed my hair three times since the last incident and I swear by all I hold dear I can still smell vomit.
But, yeah, playing games, whatever.
So, what you're saying is that you want the quarry work to be even more difficult by rejecting qualified workers and employing unqualified ones based on what genitalia they posses? Striking a real blow for the working man, I see.
Well, of course, for those not wealthy, for most of human history, women actually had to work as hard as men (for less money, of course) AND had to take care of the children. Meanwhile, in the 19th century, wealthy women had so little left to spend their time with - since the domestic cores were performed by servants and most leisurely activities were unseemly and might lead into temptation - that many developed neuroses and depressions ("hysteria").
@ Nomen Nescio
Yes, the picture was set up but the women did actually work at the quarry. The picture was taken at Kibbutz Ein Harod, Mandate of Palestine, in 1941.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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