[Obama, Romney agree: Gay Boy Scouts OK ]
Neither Obummer's nor Romney's attitude would be welcome in our son's Boy Scout troop. Not by the boys or by the adult leaders.
Our son is going to become an Eagle Scout in just a couple of months. I sure am glad that the current policy against homosexuals has been reaffirmed. After all that hard work I would hate to see our son have to resign his membership just after becoming an Eagle Scout. He would resign because being a Christian and standing up for our beliefs is more important than being an Eagle Scout.
Why, if we're all sinners, is it necessary to disassociate only with gay people? You can bet they wouldn't be doing this if the scoutmaster was divorced, which is also a sin.
So why haven't you resigned because of Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, UU, or Mormon scouts in the BSA?
Well, he could always join the Hitler-Jugend. They didn't take gays, either.
(I know, I know, but I always think the Scouts and their ilk are just a little bit fascist, anyway).
You sound just like those racist fucks who will leave a pool just because a black family went in. Furthermore, yes, I know you think homosexuality is a sin but guess who hung out with sinners?
You fundies should really get acquainted with him. I hear he has some good things to say.
@Filin: Oh, don't worry. The BSA also discriminates against atheists. The twelfth part of the Boy Scout Law is "Reverent" and explicitly demands that a Scout worship God.
Penn and Teller, as part of a Bullshit! episode on the Boy Scouts of America, contacted multiple Scout troops and asked if they would accept an atheist scout. Only a tiny handful would; the vast majority informed them that a Scout MUST be part of a church in order to be accepted.
"Our son is going to become an Eagle Scout in just a couple of months."
That, and $1.75 will buy him a cup of coffee.
Now that he has been thoroughly groomed to curry approval, he should make a good cog in someone's corporate machine. Just don't expect him to think outside the box. Or maybe he'll be some nice gung-ho cannon fodder in the military. If he survives, he can ego-trip for the rest of his life at the VFW, just as soon as he forgets how close he came to pissing himself. Oh wait, there's GAYS risking their lives in the military, so Poopsie will have to abstain.
Oh, being a Christian requires that you don't indulge in perks so long as they're shared with homosexuals?
Tell me again why you haven't left this life giving planet with it's life giving oxygen because it's shared with homosexuals...
So you would take away something your son probably enjoys because it gets him out of the house on occasion, all because you're a bigot.
Makes sense. People like you enjoy hurting others for your own petty and self righteous desires.
In Britain, the Scouts are still fairly religion-based. There's a prayer after meetings and the like. Here's the thing: joining in with the prayer is not mandatory, and neither is attending Church Parade. The vast majority of Scouts from my troop were non-religious. There are special uniforms that incorporate hijabs for the quickly-growing number of Muslim Scouts. Girls and boys can go into either Scouts or Guides. I'm bisexual, one of my fellow Scouts turned out to be gay, and nobody really cared about it. Our leader was a woman, and she's quite possibly the most awesome person I've ever met.
British Scouting/Guiding is far more inclusive then the American versions by a long way. DYB DYB DYB DOB DOB DOB!
A good friend of mine is gay, an atheist, and a former Eagle Scout. He couldn't come out, in both senses, for a long time without losing all of the friends he'd made through scouting.
That is evil.
I was a Boy Scout for a few minutes. That's how long it took the leader to inform me that I would have to memorize and recite prayers to become a full member. Hunting, fishing, and camping with Dad and friends pretty much taught me the same things anyway.
Dear Sherrimae, be honest now, how many blacks are there in your son's troop?
I'm taking bets it's an all WASP troop, nice and pure. No contamination.
I'll say it.
Boy Scouts breed gays, and if not gays, stupid pratts who think tying twenty different knots is an worthy accomplishment.
Easy to untie, not dependable against forces.
Dependable, can stand against stress.
Can't untie, need a knife.
Boy Scouts, who cares.
"The companion of men"
Nuff said.
"Obummer & Romney"
What? Not "Obummer & Runny/Rummy/Bumney/etc."?
Oh, yeah...cuz Romney's a white RINO...I forgot....
Thank Deity that the GIRL Scouts are far more enlightened.
Keep pushing the lie that the debate over gay rights is between gays and Christians and you'll find that Christian conservatives will keep losing political power. There are far too many Christians who support gay rights. You are liars.
Also: "obummer"? That's the best you can do?
Man Called True :
If that's the episode I'm thinking of, they also had some gay men assemble a tent under the watchful eye of an older Eagle Scout, who after working together to assemble it then admitted he was gay and said he was proud of the job they did.
I almost cried, and certainly got the point that being gay doesn't make you so "inferior" that you can't be a good Boy Scout.
Monzak : That's true. Every spring, the Girl Scouts start to sell a variety of cookies, for fundraising for their organization I believe. And they are [i]so good[/i] .
Also: And true, while being an Eagle Scout might not, say, get you a job, it will possibly at least get you an interview as proof of your dedication and work ethic.
@Leighton Buzzard - actually, in nazi Germany,the many older scoutlike youth groups were very much divided. Some were absorbed into Hitler jugend, some resisted and attempted to carry on as they were, even after groups outside the HJ and the female equivalent, the BDM were outlawed. Some, like the Edelweiss Piraten helped deserters when they weren't getting into fights with the HJ. A number of their members were executed
What? Romney said a thing that I agree with?
Re: the stuff in brackets.
*proceeds to ignore the rest of the post*
As a recent eagle scout (Febuary of this year) this comment is both shameful and disrespectful to the entire organization and the achievement as a whole. Being an eagle scout isn't just a rank, it's also swearing an oath to do a good turn daily and help everyone. Doesn't matter if they're gay, they are still fellow scouts and that is what should take priority.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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