Exactly. They can take their facts and stick them where the sun don't shine. I'm with you and the Heartland Institute.
(I love the Heartland Institute, especially the way they haven't been bullied into believing the lies about tobacco causing cancer)
Hey Hugh, I hear that .357 slugs don't cause brain damage either, and that firing them into your head is not only safe but really fun. Anyone who says otherwise is only spouting gun control lies. You should prove them wrong, preferably on live national TV.
I lost two grandparents to smoking-related lung cancer, you twit. If you love tobacco so much, go pleasure yourself anally with a stogie instead of being astroturf bait on the Internet.
Also go smoke a pack a day--no, make that a carton since cigarettes are "safe" according to you--and let's talk in about twenty years. We'll see if you've changed your attitude--well, that is, provided that you're still alive.
"they haven't been bullied into believing the lies about tobacco causing cancer"
You are absolutely right, it doesn't...till you smoke it!
It's not the tobacco -- it's the crap they add to it. Smoke, however, isn't really *good* for your lungs, and I can see where that damage could add up and contribute to the formation of cancerous cells.
...I wonder...
...can you put tobacco in a vaporizer?
Never let the facts stand in your way!
Reality sucks. Hallucinations and delusions are SO much more comforting! Christianity is one of the most comforting myths around.
If you can get past all the wholesale violence, killing of women and children, rape, offering up one's young tender daughters to a mob, subjugation of women, and condemnation of people in the bible.
ahhh, the joys of the ignorant. no smoking is not healthy but it is your choice. As a smoker I only have 1 request, since you are gouging smokers on taxes particularly for kids health insurance that all of you self righteous anti smokers either stfu and get off the smokers ass, or you pay the tax increases you will get if smokers do quit
How many non-smokers, with non-smoking parents and non-smoking friends, have contracted lung cancer? I have not even tested smoking, but my daddy smokes, so I was a passive smoker during my childhood years.
But, living causes death. You are going to die from something. However, I'd rather not live out my last years fighting for every breath. I want to die in my sleep at 98 of heart attack or stroke, or some other quick disease.
i smoke occasionally, but i'm not under any delusion that they're healthy (denial, maybe, but not delusion).
@wmdkitty, i don't see why it wouldn't work, but why waste a vaporizer on tobacco?
The process of burning tobacco releases quite a lot of things that are carcinogenic even before you get in to the additives, although the additives are also bad. And even if you don't burn it, there are nitrosamines present even in things like snus. Less than in cigarettes, but "less fatal than shooting yourself in the head" is not an advertisement for drunk driving, you know?
My maternal grandfather died of lung cancer due to smoking, and my paternal grandmother has COPD due to smoking, don't tell me that smoking isn't toxic.
I can't believe there are still *idiots* that believe this bullshit, even the tobacco companies have pretty much given up trying to claim that smoking doesn't cause cancer and heart disease.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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