[On the GOP failing to defund Planned Parenthood]
Of course, given the treacherous record of the GOP quislings, the cloud of sincerely well-intentioned witnesses being stirred against the hardness of heart inevitably engendered by Planned Parenthood’s promotion of evil will probably turn out to be a deceitful fog generated by the GOP’s quisling leaders to obscure their continued complicity in the regime of lawless, anti-constitutional edicts that purports to legalize that evil, licensing those who practice and promote it. Like so much else in the increasingly depraved legal and political culture engendered by the elitist faction’s twin party sham, this smacks of the self-idolatry that motivates the elitist faction’s implacable war against God.
You're right Alan, they shouldn't be warring against your god, as it shouldn't have any place in our legislative system. Fundies like you however, are continually trying to shoe horn your religious views everywhere thereby forcing them to fight against you.
Do you even know what a quisling is? Vidkun Quisling collaborated with the occupying Nazis during WWII in Norway. The Nazis prohibited abortions, ya know.
It doesn't really matter if witnesses are well-intentioned, if they have to lie and misdirect the evidence to make it seem to agree with your lies.
What lawless anti-constitutional edicts purports to legalize what evil?
Helping poor mothers with medical care, information about child -rearing and nutrition is evil to you?
Which part of it is anti-constitutional? The part where they edited the film to make it seem they are selling the "body parts" of tiny aborted embryos?
....... Is it just me, or did anyone else have to read this a few times to figure out what Alan here is saying? Is he saying that the Republicans stirred up the Planned Parenthood controversy (well, they did, but Keyes is a Republican) to score cheap points?
Anyone-I don't care who it is-that takes those videos seriously is stupid beyond redemption & is not worth wasting time on. That includes you, Alan, & the rest of your misogynist republican shitweasels that are now actively trying to kill women in the US.
Fuck you very much, & once you shuffle loose this mortal coil I will not shed a tear.
Mr. Keys, "what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
2015: Planned Parenthood still exists
2005: Kitzmiller vs. Dover still making teaching Cre(a)ti(o)nism in US schools illegal
1973: Roe vs. Wade still making abortion legal.
See a pattern here?
...I guess you lot will stop buying your stuff at Hobby Lobby, amirite? That company invests in Contraception manufacturing.
Post-Dumbya created worldwide recession, Communist China beat you at your own Capitalism game. I guess the almighty Dollar, and wealth acquisition are now four-letter words, eh fundies?
America. Love it, or LEAVE it. >:D
Of course, given the treacherous record of the GOP quislings, the cloud of sincerely well-intentioned witnesses being stirred against the hardness of heart
There's no-one like Alan Keyes for throwing a spanner into the fruit salad of mixed metaphors.
@ Nemo
Keyes left the GOP in 2008 as it is too left-wing for him.
I just want to know how the GOP thinks they're going to "defund" and organization that's funded by donations, not tax dollars, which it's already illegal for them to receive?
Sorry, I've since re-read what I previously read, and realized I was misremembering it.
They do get government money, but only 3% of what they do involves abortions, and of that 3%, 0 gets tax dollar funds as it is illegal for the government money to be used for abortions.
So the only thing they'd be "defunding" is PP's ability to provide "contraception, treatment and tests for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer screenings, and other women’s health services."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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