TimeWarpWife #fundie rr-bb.com
[On troops being told to refrain from eating and drinking in front of Muslims during Ramadan out of respect.]
This just makes me [mad smiley] ! Now the military has the power to tell soldiers whether or not they can eat or drink in front of the people bowing down to satan under the name of Islam? [Exploding smiley] All the while, Christians are discriminated against - not allowed to read books by conservative authors like Mark Levin and Sean Hannity, not allowed to attend Christian gatherings, denied under threat of court martial from sharing their faith with other soldiers, and every other unconstitutional nonsense the pro-Muslim loving military authorities can come up with! How long until our idiotic military under direct orders, I'm sure, from the pro-Muslim loving Obama administration will it be before Muslim soldiers are allowed to legally murder any "infidel", i.e. Christian or Jew, because they're offended by them? I am sick of the Muslims and I am sick of the politically correct, morally wrong, and mentally diseased Obama and his evil ilk. Believe me, when the Rapture happens, Obama and his evil minions won't be half as happy all true Christians are gone off this planet as we will be to get away from them!