scarlets79 #fundie
Interestingly, evolutionary atheists find it difficult to deal with the fact that an EVENT either occurred or did not occur. For example, Jesus walking on water. It either 1) occurred 2) did not occur
If it did not occur, then gospel writers either 1) lied 2) hallucinated
However a difficulty with 2) is that mass hallucinations not possible. So this leaves you with option 1) i.e. gospel writers lied.
The other option is that the walking on water did occur. I believe this.
There is no scope for evolution from nothing here. Clear logical reasoning shows these as the possibilities.
In another thread, one guy denied Jesus ever existed. That is a convenient way out. But that still implies gospel writers lied.And historical evidence destroys the claim Jesus never existed- I wonder what other historical figures that poster denies, and why?