Do I have anything at all that can substantiate my belief. Yes I have historical documents that compile a Bible. It's something. Evolutionsists have got nothing.
...yeah your historical document is confusing, self-contradictory, and... well, just plain POORLY WRITTEN. I don't suppose you have a primary source, or at least another indirect source? A shame.
The only way the first part is even slightly true is that those "historical documents" were written at some point in history. That doesn't make them true.
The second part is a whole heaping serve of Fail. Mmm tasty, tasty Fail.
We are also blessed with the first (afaik) observed case of Oort Cloud denial:
'[ADMIN EDIT - Of course, noone can actually prove this, because they have never actually seen it. It's just another one of evolutions fabrications created to support a dumb theory]'
It must be true!! The Bible itself says that the early accounts are absolutely accurate!!! Even Jesus was a creationist!!!!! He would know, wouldn't he? The absolutely true Bible says that he was there at creation!!!!! All good fundies know that God was talking to Jesus when he said "we"!!!!!!!!!! That proves that every single word in the Bible is 100% true, you god-hating faggot!!!!!!
Well, with that name, in that site, you can't set your expectations too high, I guess.
Gimme an F!
Gimme an O!
Gimme an S!
Gimme an S!
Gimme an I!
Gimme an L!
Gimme an S!
What does that spell?
One, the documents ARE compiled, not compile something. Second, evolution is supported by tons of evidence that you disregard because you're an ignorant. You got nothing, including propper English.
Are these the same alleged "historical documents" that claim whales are fish?
If so, I submit that the factual accuracy of said documents be submitted for review by a team of accredited scientists and historians. Should they not pass peer review, I move that the documents be redesignated as religious fiction.
If those bronze-age sheepherders had any sort of scientific training, they wouldn't have written the ignorant nonsense that they did. Protip: Old bullshit may be historical bullshit, but it's still bullshit. This has been proven, and continues to be proven: the bible is bullshit.
Just a thought:
A book with over 40 authors, covering a few hundred square kilometers of the Earth's surface belonging to a nation of bystanders and occasional vassals to the main powers of their time, that hasn't been edited in any meaningful fashion in well over a millennium and a half, probably is not an especially reliable source. Then again, if the Bible was based on current historic scholarship, it would be unrecognizable.
Once again I see another fundie from KJV mistakes dogmatic religious propaganda for historical proof. Fossils are real, the KJV is a bad translation of a religion's statement of beliefs and miracles, shaped to fit a gay king's(whom these fundies would shun) agenda of inventing the "divine right of kings" to protect him from his subjects enacting the Magna Carta to protect them from his abuses of power.
you have historical documents ? that compile a Bable ?, What in the Queen's English does that mean.
How come YOU have the documents ?
Your Bable beliefs are nothing other than a mental crutch, for humans who have willingly given up what makes them human (reason) for the comfort of certainty that willful ignorance provides.
Damnant quod non intellegunt.
They condemn what they don't understand; which is almost everything.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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