Louise Buhay #fundie home.earthlink.net
When I was first born again, I wore clothing that exposed my legs. I wore pants, and I put on tight shirts. Not once did it occur to me that I was ‘displaying’ my body to others. I wore my clothes according to the weather and for my comfort but not according to the scriptures! One of my greatest convictions was realizing that in displaying my body, I was disobeying (sinning against) the Lord and possibly causing others to stumble.
However, let’s be honest here ladies... men love to look at women. There are certain parts of our bodies that they lust after. There are many parts that they desire to look at. Our legs, our behinds, our chests, our waistlines etc... Some men are attracted to women’s arms and calves.
[Bible verses...]
I surely did not want to cause lust in a brother by giving him something to look at. I began to see that concealing my body was an extremely important part of living a godly life. I began to wear skirts instead of pants. Pants were not modest on me and there was no way of getting around it. They hugged my behind, clung to my thighs and clasped my crotch. Not very modest I shortly realized. I then soon changed what I wore over my chest area as that is one of the most pronounced parts of my body. My goal was to divert attention from it, not draw attention to it. It didn’t take long before my entire wardrobe was completely changed.
Modest apparel apparently isn’t enough without the shamefacedness and sobriety. The scriptures teach that a godly woman should be modest not only in our appearance, but also in our behavior. What is shamefacedness? I learned that it means to have “downcast eyes,” to be “bashful.” A godly woman should be soft, gentle, quiet and shy. Never loud, boisterous, impulsive or domineering.