I am NOT of the mind that better 100 guilty should go free than one innocent be put to death.
Translation: If innocents have to die to slake my thirst for blood, then so be it.
For one thing, the innocent might well be innocent of the specific crime charged yet be very guilty of numerous crimes not charged.
What part of the presumption of innocence to you not comprehend? You are advocating ending the life of someone on the assumption that they may possibly have commintied an unknown crime of unknown serverity at some point during their life? In what way can that possibly be considered just or moral?
Moreover, There isn't a single person on the face of the fucking plane to whom you're criteria of presumed guilt would not apply to. Of course the very second the "justice" system you advocate was turned on you, a member of you family, or you circle of friends you would be crying persecution and want to be considered innocent.
The detainees at Gitmo are NOT innocent people.
I'm sorry, but you know this how? Are you intimately familiar with the lives of all of the Guantanamo detainees? Many of whom were turned over to the US in return for a hefty bounty without so much a shred of proof that any of them were involved with al-Queda in any way? But you aen't concened with any of that because in your eyes they guilty of being muslim and therefore less than human and deseving of death.
The grave injustice is to condemn other innocent people to death because of a misguided attempt to release an insane maladjusted jihadist
The US has already released 80-90% of the Guantanamo detainees, several hundred of them, and a good chunk of the ones left have already been cleared for release. How many of them gone on to commit terrorist acts? Less than five, less that five out of 600+.
But that doesn't matter to you because you would condemned them to death simply because they ae muslim, and some muslims have commited terrorist attacks, ergo all muslims are terrorist attacks waiting to happen and should be executed for things that people like you think they might have done or thought.
based on some erroneous perception that because they might MIGHT not have committed a specific crime they are wholly innocent.
Cut the shit. This hateful screed of yours is about one thing and one thing only... You don't like muslims. It's painfully appearent that you wish to place the blame for all terroist attacks commited at the feet of every single muslim, and I would hazard a guess that you likely don't even consider them to be fully human, or at the very least not deserving of the same inalienable rights as white american christians.
I'm sure you think that this warped view of "justice" makes you a patriot. It does not, however it does make you a sociopath.