/want to know why the child was killed? to punish David for his sin. The child automatically goes to Heaven, and not have to face the harshness of the world. God takes care of His children, and knows whats best for them. Maybe the child would have had a terrible life. we dont know./
Yet somehow I feel that if I told you the story of Jason and Medea, in which Medea killed her own children to punish Jason for his betrayal, you'd think that she was a horrible, evil hag. Hmm.
/also wemon are inferior./
I do not trust the word of someone who has poor spelling and grammar skills.
/we see wemon taking over their husbands/boyfriends and even abusing them! they dominate them and that wrong./
Oh, as opposed to men controlling, dominating, and abusing women for MILLENIA?! I'm not saying that the opposite is right either, but just because some women are bad doesn't mean that all of them are. Just like how some men are bad doesn't mean that all men are evil.
/Woman are suppose to be under man and listen to them. not the other way around./
Why do you hate your own gender so much?
/God made Adam first, Eve was made from a rib of Adam./
Yes, and in Greek mythology, Athena sprung from Zeus' head. So what? Just because you like being bossed around by men doesn't mean that all of us women like the same thing. I like thinking and acting for myself, thank you very much, and I don't need a pathetic, brainwashed, Stockholm-Syndrome fundie to tell me how to live my life.