The very problem is that atheism does not propose a religious belief at all. So, references to no religious belief are automatically references to atheism.
Yes. Veeeeeery cunning plan! Not having an imaginary friend doesn't leave them open to ridicule.
Oh shit, you're talking about not being allowed to promote one religion over others is in fact a back door promotion of atheism. YOU UTTER MORON!
You'd probably be surprised to learn that the major legal battles to eliminate prayer and promotion of any religion - but in the cases, specifically Christianity - in school and government institutions were all initiated by minority Christian groups being forced to suffer through the doctrine of the majority!
Very well. We'll agree to allow prayer in schools if you agree not to use any object that does not explicitly relate to God. That means no computer, no newspaper, no TV, and pretty much nothing. In fact, your body says nothing about a god, so it's inherently "atheistic" by your definition, so you must destroy it entirely, except for the single functioning brain cell that enables you to carry out your oh-so-godly life.
Remember, by not mentioning God in calculus, geography, languages, physics, chemistry etc. you are promoting atheism! And since we can't promote christianity in public schools, you aren't allowed to promote atheism. Let's abolish all courses but religion.
"The very problem is that atheism does not propose a religious belief at all"
There are, in the world, approximately 37,484,920,512,300 topics which do not propose a religious belief at all. Do you consider this a failing of all of them?
"So, references to no religious belief are automatically references to atheism."
No. Not only is this wrong, it's stupid wrong. First of all, atheism is the lack of belief in gods, not a lack of religion. Most buddhists are atheists. However, even if that were true, you'd still be wrong, because we have this other word, "secular", in which one does not make recourse to religion for, in this case, government policies, as religious beliefs are outside the purview of the government.
Or, would you rather have a catholic government (after all, they are the majority in the U.S.)?
indeed. references to bricks in your wall, guitar solos, cucumbers, doorknobs, shoelaces, printers, chairs, and pineapples are all atheistic.
Basically you're saying if we don't rise up, unionized against something (Like you do ) then we're responsible for them.
Fuck off. You Christians talk about and protest killings, abortion, adultry, incest, theft, lying and every longtime ill of mankind,,,, then you do ALL of them. Repeatdly. Americas the most Christian Nation in the world and the worst offender in most, if not all of those ills.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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